Riddle me this!

I have a long list of prayers today. I will add your Mom to the Valerie!
Good morning, Kim! :)

Hiya, Kitty! :)

Hey - we owe some belated birthday wishes to a couple of riddlers!!


I hope you both had wonderful days!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) </center>
Mickey - thanks for stopping by. Very best wishes for your Mom and I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.....
It's been raining here all night & we're supposed to get bad storms this afternoon.
My dog will be spending his afternoon either on my lap or under my bed :p LOL
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We had a gorgeous weekend here. Lovely spring weather.

We're heading into a rainy spell. Rain as far as the forecast goes.

Ah spring! Everything ought to be growing like crazy after these rains! :)
Debbie-Did you post your answer to the thread? I almost did it too! I had the whole thing typed out, but then I double checked the top of the page & realized it wasn't a PM but it was a post reply:eek: LOL!
I've done the same thing!

It seems to happen once a month or so! :)
We are supposed to have rain until mid week, so if you are having rain now, you might get it all week!
Not raining yet, it's gorgeous here today...but it sounds like I should get the bark mulch done before too long....
Happy Birthday Len and Olena :)
Have a greta day!!!!

Hey Mr Riddler and riddle buds!!!! Happy Monday morning :teeth:

Ok, guys...I am clueless on the ridlle, but that is only par for the course right? Well, I think I have the first part of it....Anyway, what do you guys think of my following crazy idea? I think I am going to try to run the WDW marathon in 2004, or atleast the 1/2 marathin. Think I should do it?

Ok, I am off to work....and going to do some communtin thinking...not that it will hel...maybe someone will take pity on me :(

Have a great day all!!!!
That's what I get for working on my reply and pm at the SAME time.

Sending prayers to Valerie for her mom and dad. This is a stressful time, I am sure.

Going to be a cloudy, rainy day here, but that's okay. It's spring!

Gotta head off the teens and tweens. I'll come back and try that first one again! (Hey, I gave clues in the first post, any for me???)

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Originally posted by glo
[B.Anyway, what do you guys think of my following crazy idea? I think I am going to try to run the WDW marathon in 2004, or atleast the 1/2 marathin. Think I should do it?
I don't think it's a crazy idea! I think it's an awesome goal!!
glo, I say Go For It! I don't run, but I'd love to do that someday. I wonder what the over 55 or over 60 time is for the ½ marathon?
Good morning, Glo! That is awesome! :) Are you running now?? I have quite a few friends who are runners - it's a way of life for them!

Hey - it also gives you and excuse for a trip too!!! :) :p :p :)

You GO, girl! :)
Morning Riddlers!
Finally got it, PM sent.
Had a great weekend in Philly, got her all moved out of her dorm!

So sorry to hear about Mickey's mom. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.


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