Riddle me this!

LOL! I think I'll just come and watch you, Glo! BE sure to wear lime green when you run, because we are usually there during the marathon!
<marquee direction="right">

Glad to hear everything went well this weekend! :)
Good morning all!

will work on this mornings riddle once I make coffee!
What month is the marathon in??
We could have a Riddle-Con 2 meet there to cheer Glo on!!!:p
Iknow...I know...let's get through Riddle-con 1 before we start planning the sequel :rolleyes: ;) :p
But, I'd love to come cheer you on Glo!!

thank you for the birthday wishes, it was a great weekend. My brother's birthday was last Monday, mine was yesterday and my parent's 56 Anniversary is today, and since we have everyone together we usually celibrate Mother's Day too.

Ok I have no clue on a couple of the items yet, still working on it. Mickey, my prayers for your mom and the rest of your family.
What month is the marathon in??
Marathon is usually the second weekend of January. I can't remember for sure, but I think it is run on Sunday.

I did something really interesting and fun last night. A dear friend and I went to a lecture by Maya Angelou! What a remarkable woman! One of her lines was..."Never accept when a naked person offers to give you the shirt off his back.":p
Lars - I think the marathon is in early January???

Good morning, Len! Glad to hear you had a nice weekend! :)

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to your folks! :)
Wow, Diane! That must have been a real treat. I have a great admiration for Maya! :)
Wow MLEO! Lot's to celebrate!!!:p
Happy Birthday to you!!
and Happy Anniversary to your parents!!
May is a busy month for us too. Today is my mother's birthday & next week my parents will celebrate their 56th too.
I would be all for a January riddle meet! This year I wore my big green bow all 10 days and never saw another lime green anything anywhere! I did get lots of questions from castmembers though about it!
Clueless and sleepy here - struggled to get the foot high grass mowed yesterday - and then it just poured all night and still raining - hope it clears up for garage sale Mom and I are having this week

Keeping good thoughts for Valerie's mom

Try to have a nice day
Even a lecture by Maya is like a poem! A remarkable woman with a remarkable life, a remarkable intellect, and a remarkable speaker!
Good morning, Marla! :)

Hey Diane - You'd think the cast members would know all about lime-green ribbons by now!!! LOL!! :p :p :p
I need to go out to the new place this morning to see if it rained inside again!:rolleyes: Ranatra, could you send your roofer DH over to finish this roof?:eek:
:confused: :confused: :confused:

I am not functioning this morning! I am stumped on two of them....ugh
Good morning to all the riddle groupies!

It was a real treat to talk to the Lauras at church on Sunday!

My thoughts & {{{HUGS}}} & PD to Valerie & her family.

Happy birthday to all!

And to Glo, what Bernie said! "You go girl"!
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain....


You living on the edge these days, Yepod? I see you hazard a post every now and then!;)
We could use a "fishy" curtain like that around our new roof!:rolleyes:


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