Riddle me this!

Good Morning Everyone! I know the hidden answer and have a couple of clues, but my brain is not in a fully functional mode yet.

Glo-good luck with the marathon. My DH ran it 3 years ago(it is on a Sunday) and he really enjoyed it. What was funny was that the rest of the day at the park you could pick out everyone who raced since they weren't moving so well. It took him about 2 days to feel better so that sorta killed getting around the park easy. The medal they received is the nicest one he has.

Gotta go work on my riddle!:D
Good morning all! I think I will have to work on this riddle for a while. Might give me something to do when I take breaks today ;)

My continued prayers are with Valerie's mom, dad and all their family and loved ones.

Gail we miss you too! I do hope that new Dell comes soon! I am sure you will love it though!

Diane, we are too far north I think for those storms. I saw on the news this morning... absolutely terrible :(

Happy Birthday Len & Heather!!! I hope you both have great days! And Len, Happy Anniversary to your parents as well as happy birthday to your brother :)

Glo, if you want to run the marathon, then I say GO FOR IT!!! If you want it, I am sure you can do it :) I used to love to run... then I hurt my knee while skiing. Now I can't run very far or ski w/o risking hurting it more :( It was a very calming thing for me to do (run long races)

Well this is the week my sister gets married. Pray for good weather for her please :) I don't mind running around in my black dress in the rain but I am sure she'd love sunshine for her white dress. We just put up new certains and stuff in a guest bedroom so we will be busy re-cleaning that room this week and taking care of the highly neglected kitchen. Boy I am rambling but I guess I was thinking out loud all I have to do this week before Friday :)

I hope you all have a great day!
GOod luck on your busy week, Elaine! Hope the weather cooperates for the wedding!
Elaine- my brother-in-law is getting married this weekend too! I'm hoping for nice weather too. They are having bagpipers lead the men to the church then the guests to the reception (2 blocks away) after the ceremony. Should be interesting.
I'm ALWAYS living on the edge Diane!;)

Good luck this week & weekend Elaine! You are posting pictures, right (and that would include the wedding PARTY also:p :p ;) )!?!?

And Marla, didn't you have Kara out there with the extension cord again:eek: :p :eek: :p ;)
Morning Riddlers! I haven't begun to try and solve the riddle today, I've been too busy reading all of the posts.

M65, continued prayers and support for all that your family is going through right now.:(

I had a great time meeting with Laura yesterday, and speaking with John on the phone. John, we should have ordered hot cross buns in honor of you!:eek:

Tons of rain here today. Let's hope it gets out of the way early this week so that Elaine's sister and Lorraine's BIL have wonderful weather on Saturday.
Morning Riddlers,

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Done hear it was great, sunny, 60's, and very Spring-like.

Bought some more Kasie-furniture over the weekend
at IKEA ... lol ... can't seem to go to that store without
buying lots of "stuff".

So how many people caught "X-2" over the weekend? LOL
Heard it was sold-out for many of the shows near me.

Well, meetings all day so I'd better get going.

Have a great day all... :D :D :D
Laura, your DD looks a lot like you! glad to see the pics of the 2 Lauras!
Gotta go "do dogs"! Have a great day folks! I'll try to check back here later.
Good morning everyone! I need to pop over and check out the mini meet pics! I get to have some time with yepod on June 1st! He will be in the Seattle area visiting family - and is driving part way to meet me in Ellensburg. :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc I am thinking about investing in a lime green thong for the occassion! :p

Windy day here. I put a bunch of plants in the ground yesterday... they are probably getting pretty battered by the gusty winds. :rolleyes: Poor little things... but if they survive... they will be ALL THE STRONGER FOR THE EXPERIENCE! :p :teeth:

Valerie - your mom, your family, and you are in my thoughts and prayers. {hugs}
Well yes I did John - electric cord and using the weed wacker - and using the gas mower:D
Forgot to share - Kara got an A + on her Copper Belly Water Snake project - still waiting to see what her grade on her World War II time line ended up being - nothing like starting the week with a grade that counted for 40 % of her grade in science this term
Pants catch-up! :)

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Credit Man!
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Good morning, Riddlers! Maybe I should say
"Happy Spring" - because it may have been winter the last time I posted! ;) No riddle ideas here, but I just wanted to say hello.
Good morning OK and the Corral

Prom went well and DD had a nice day at the beach Saturday, even if it was cold and partly cloudy. The pictures got stuck at the one hour developing until last night because the equipment broke. I have them now but don't have time to figure out how to post. Will try to get DD to help tonight if she has time. First AP exam is tomorrow morning. Here, I'll hold them up so you can see them. Doesn't she look nice?

Continued prayers for Valerie and her family.

Rain isn't here yet but the radar shows it heading this way.

I got this riddle all by myself, without hints or help. PM sent.
Silly Carol, you're holding the pictures upside down! How are we supposed to look at them like that. Try it again...;)
Way cool on the project, Marla and Kara! :)

DblD - you're right - don't they say....."whatever doesn't kill ya', makes you stronger?" :) Great that you and John are going to get together! :)

Good morning, Credit Man! Priceless PM! :)

Hey John! :) Living on the edge, eh???? That'll leave a mark, ya' know. :)

Morning, Rob! We're probably going to get to X2 in a week or two - after the initial crush has gone by. Looks, and sounds, great! :) Glad to hear you're getting settled! :)

LOL, Loraine! I can see where running a marathon might slow down your parks touring just a bit! I prefer to expend the energy in the parks myself! :)

Can't wait to see the pics, Sis! :)

Elaine - I bet this week just FLIES by! :)

NANCY! :wave: Nice to 'see' you! :)
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