Something About Nothing............ #14

Another mostly lazy day today. The one productive thing I did was going through my pantry and refrigerator and throwing out anything that was expired. I really should do that more often.

our local outdoor stadium, we try for seats under shelter of the fancy box seats. They do sell them as ‘box seats at a surcharge. You do get access to special bathrooms, lounge and snack bar at least. Best part, out of sun & rain
Our regular seats are on the front row, about as close to the field as you can get. We sit behind the defense. A couple of the players were in one of dh’s classes this past semester. They would always come up and speak to him or give him a fist bump. I love the seats, but the disadvantages are when it rains and the distance I have to walk to get to the restroom.

I like that idea of a joint experience that way. Not a fan of watching events in sports bar. Too many people there not ‘real fans’, too loud. Thinking many just for the party atmosphere.
I am not a fan of sports bars either. A couple of local pizza restaurants are holding watch parties, but we found out about them after we bought the theater tickets.

I should get some sleep.
Happy New Year!

Yes, we had fireworks starting before the ball dropped, and ending at least 10 minutes after. Neighbors were out loudly playing music around when the fireworks started, and then heard banging of the pots and pans by the older kids at midnight. Yay for my street enjoying the not as cold night we had, to be outside to celebrate the new calendar year midnight start.

And being a holiday Monday, hear traffic, but not as much as could be. Though most stores are open, just banks, post office and government offices are closed.

So hope all enjoy this first Monday of the year, and first week of January. Woot!

Glad this year started with a holiday Monday. But yeah, back to that much more city commuting, starting tomorrow.

Ah a good morning. Alarm set and since a make up trash day tomorrow, will drag those trash cans to the curb later this evening. Hehe, DH asked my plans. I’m lazy and doing some wash to be ready for an earlier bedtime, and wake up tomorrow. Yay at least another day to be in that lazy mode. Time to be now waiting for the weekends. Yay for a day shorter week day routine this week, though.

Time for more tea. And toasting a bagel. Picked some up earlier this morning. The bagel place still opened at 7 am today.

Later homies. Ah this year, I’ll still mostly be an early bird.
I’ve instituted a swear jar here as it’s been flying hot & heavy. Guilty as charged. Naturally, the beneficiary will be the vacation fund. 8-) No fears, will still be lots of ‘ship’ talking here

and then heard banging of the pots and pans by the older kids at midnight. Yay for my street enjoying the not as cold night we had, to be outside to celebrate the new calendar year midnight start.
We are those people. :rolleyes1

In my defense, I hid the fireworks, couldn’t find the bin of toot toots & funny hats and threatened my family to not touch my pricey pots unless they were volunteering to do the dirty dishes

my spawn, all blessed with big mouths, still managed to suitably whoop it up and have fun. Pretty sure I was sawing logs before 12:30 am

Lil coming back today after going skating on the holiday rink in the city. No need to cook, leftovers galore.

Time to greet the new year and make it yours, all. One size, decidedly, does not fit all

Ah that Taco Tuesday is here, and so is back to that in office routine. Ugh. But as many are still out today, so got my favorite parking spot. Though had to scrape the ice off my car windows when I went to go into the car. A balmy 32 degrees as noted as I got into my car, with car saying icy out. Well yeah. Ooh 28 says my phone as reading the city temp. Yes, that colder start of this day, for sure.

But glad I put my sunglasses in my bag. Saying a full wall to wall sunshine day. With the Winter warmth of full day sunshine, 42 is the high. I’ll take it. Last night, the weather lady said we may see some snow flurries this week. Ack. Nope, no snow wanting for me this Winter.

But up much earlier, as needed that longer shower, after being lazy for over a week. But out the door fast, and always a faster commute than the afternoon one. Local kids are back to school today, so that afternoon rush hour starts around 2:30, when both the senior high kids get out, and kid pick up vehicles for all the kids, within that next hour, are on the roads. And I’m not the only one trying to get out of the city fast. Sigh. Three days a week doing this. Though can’t complain too much. Used to do it 5 days, and I hope we never go back to that. And like I told DH, only going to have this week day routine for another 6 years, as of this coming Fall. It will go fast. At least I’m thinking so, given this last year just flew by. We be in January already. Get that 2024 or 24 in your head, instead of 2023 or 23 when you write or say. Hehe.

So have a taco or two, as it is a Tuesday. as woot, the start of this week was a holiday Monday for many of us.

Ooh laptop needs rebooting, to provide updates. Okay have it. Time to refill that teacup, and say good morning to you all.
Good morning. One more day off for me and then I have to go back to work tomorrow.

New Year’s Day was disappointing. Our football team lost the bowl game. We were crushed by the other team. I kind of wish we had gone to a smaller bowl and then worked our way up to a NY6 bowl in a few years. Dh and I met the team at the airport when they arrived home around 11:15 last night. I was disappointed that there was only one other person besides us to welcome the team back. We made signs that said “Welcome home” and “We’re proud of you”. The players and coaches seemed to really appreciate it. Several of the players shook our hands or gave fist bumps. It was nice to see them smile after such a devastating loss. The president of the university thanked us for coming out and even took our picture.

I think today is going to be a clean up day. We have a spare room downstairs that is a mess. I don’t know how it gets that way since we never use it. I plan to use it as an exercise room this year. Both B and I have pledged to lose some weight.
It is back to the grind for us as well today.

I'm juggling both jobs today. My homecare job - working a split shift - and my regular full-time job I'm in for a couple hours to tie up loose ends for our year end. Then back to the homecare job until the end of day today.

The house is back in order. The kids and extra family that were visiting over the holidays have gone home. We enjoyed having everyone around to visit with - but I'm also glad to have my tiny home back in order with less people in it :rolleyes1

Gd got sick on Saturday & Sunday. She felt better yesterday when she woke up. She still had a slight fever and headache on the drive home yesterday. Hopefully she's on the mend now. It is scary when those high fevers spike up and won't go down - even when using both advil and tylenol. It finally broke early Monday morning - then she got a solid sleep after that - along with some snoozing on the car ride home.

Yesterday was a lazy day - I was tuckered out! I slept for a good portion of the afternoon yesterday - and still went to bed early. I think I'm fighting off what gd had - as I usually don't sleep like that!

Found out over the holidays I was moved from the 0.4 to the 0.6 position at my homecare job! It's only temporary, but I'll take the extra day a week. And can pick up my old days as well until they hire a replacement - if they ever do for the 0.4 position.

Well, I should run and shuffle the papers that landed on my desk just now.

I just wanted to hop on and post - since I didn't get to all through the holidays. It was just a crazy time.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!
Pumpkin, you have been busy, and yay for upgrade to the 06 position at your home are job. Sending well wishes to GD. Ack her to get sick this past weekend. Yeah, scary when younger kids spike a fever. Glad she broke it on Monday. Body’s way to say, I’m fighting an infection. Lots of sickness as all are back. And like now in the wintertime, when people are inside more than outside, when easier for viruses to spread.

Ah, that day of the week, and who do I see?


Ah, camel must have made his new year’s list include exercising. But as he’s running along that moving track, he’s here to say, get over a hump of a day feeling day, called Wednesday, then that most fabulous first Friday in January will be a day away. Woot!

Yay, at the middle of the week already. I so like those shorter weeks, so highly thinking I need to have another three day weekend next week, then followed by a holiday Monday. Boom. 4 day weekend next weeks. Yay!

But yeah, had to scrape those car windows, and have car say icy out. Well yeah, we are still below freezing this morning. 29 degrees, and overcast. Still so dark out. Sunrise is not for another half hour from now. But glad was clear roads, and only the icy found, was on the car windows.

Hope all have a most Wonderful Wednesday, today.

Ooh look at that city early in the sunrise view:
It seems like winter has finally decided to make a stop here. Temps are dropping and will continue until the weekend. We really have been spoiled this year. I haven't even pulled out a pair of mitts yet - except for the pair I wear in the car. But just to walk around outside - I was still wearing light zip up hoodies and heavy sweaters/light jackets.

I think I have almost everything caught up at work here. I still have things to do - put nothing pressing.

Dh and I are empty nesters this week. Both boys are working out of town this week. Tonight is spicy honey garlic chicken with mixed veggies and probably a tossed salad. At least when they are not home - I can make meals a little lighter.

Hoping to hit the gym tonight. We will see about that. I'm still trying to play catch up from the busyness of the holidays and working in between as well.

Well, I should run and shuffle a couple more papers around.

Have a great evening everyone!
Ah that last day of commuting for the week day routine this week. Thankful at least the next two aren’t.

What a difference 8 degrees higher is. Above freezing, ah yes, as we are a few days away from the Nor’Easter storm coming this weekend, as it’s coming from the South. So a bit warmer this early morning.

But still not warm enough, as car still warned icy out there. Thankfully, we are still dry, and any wet should not be that icy, with it above freezing, though still not out of the 30’s yet. And thankfully commute was quick and mostly green lights. Though even in this early hour, was not the only one coming in at the time I did.

But office is quiet and tea is from that hot water from the bottle toggle. Ah, I so like the early mornings.

And so, in honor of Mother Nature or El Niño, enjoy a drink or two this Thirsty Thursday. Good to keep the body hydrated, the plants watered, and the water ways filled with water. And hoping no snow or very little from this storm.

Sigh. Winter time. But as all time lately, it will be Spring before ya know it. And yes, in years past, we did have snow at Easter time. Oh my. What ya get when you live just North enough.

Good Morning homies. Hope your day goes most perfect.

And yay:

It's Thursday!!! It might be Friday eve - but I'm working this weekend - so I will be busy all weekend.

Tonight will be a quick dinner, a little laundry and I think I'll clean the bathrooms tonight. Then on the weekend I'll get the boys to give the floors a quick once over - and I can dust quickly one night...then most of the chores are done again for the week.

Quiet night last night. I got a headache late in the afternoon yesterday. So I made a quick meal dh and I, and basically sat with the remote last night. Nothing exciting. I was going to watch the final season of " the Crown". But I think I will binge that on a cold weekend! I've waited this long for all the episodes - I can wait a little longer.

Well, I should go find some papers to shuffle.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

Yes indeed. Woot! A Friday is here.

Ah that nice to be able still log in, but not in the office.

Ooh traffic and weather news on the 2’s, and most of the time, that news is about Route 95 being blocked by an accident, and the storm giving us wet weather tomorrow. Hmm, now that are saying it will be mostly rain now. Will see if that other four letter wet word, snow, stays further west and north of me.

But as that high weather system still around, we have clear skies and that most balmy weather. We are at 23 degrees, as saw on outside thermometer, when waved to DH throwing out our trash. And a wind blowing enough, as have to say, a little brr, as then feels even cooler.

And staying cool, as 37 degrees the high. Good thing we have a house heater, and heated seats and steering wheel in our cars. And our car heater and home heating make it nice and warm. Ah yes, I like it hot more than cold. Light loft winter coat when I go outside. Hat on probably too. Sister nicely gave me a wool hat she knitted. Fits me just perfectly. And gloves in the car. Time of year we keep a fold up shovel, flares, and a wool blanket in our car, as the ice scrappers are now in cars too. Windshield wiper fluid is at the front of our garage, as when salty roads and wet weather around, we go through more of it.

And yes, getting ever that closer to next month, when we get the most cold feeling days. But today, yeah on that cooler side. And thankfully, next week predicted to mostly have high temps not in the 30’s, but 40’s and even some 50’s ones.

Alarm off, enjoying my tea, and hope for a quiet enough day. And twice as long lunch break and shortest week day routine day. Woot! Pay day too, first of the year, though last of the prior year total. Oddly a 26 pay schedule last year.

Weekend loaded and ready to be enjoyed starting this mid afternoon. Woot!

Good morning all, hope you have a most Fabulous Friday and the most Wonderful Weekend.
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Happy Saturday. It’s supposed to be a nasty one here. The winter storm is bringing us ice and rain. We have made plans to not leave the house today. I bought ingredients to make hot chocolate with a choice of marshmallows or whipped cream, so we should be good for the day.

I only worked 2 days this week but it seemed like more. This is the fun time of year when insurance plans change. It’s amazing how many people don’t know that their plan has changed, or, if they do, have no clue what their new insurance company is. This year we are adding Medicare into the mix. This is the first time that LPCs (licensed professional counselors) are able to accept Medicare. We are trying to get both therapists enrolled and understand all the rules and regulations. They don’t make it easy.

On a positive note, my car is expected to be repaired by January 16. The estimate for the repairs is almost 3K. I have a rental but I’m a little nervous driving it. It’s a larger vehicle than I am used to.

I woke up way too early this morning, so I am going to try to get back to sleep.
Good morning Charade, hope you did get back to sleep. Nice to get your car back in another just over a week. Yeah car repair is not cheap, that’s for sure.

As usual, I’m up early and we get to enjoy that storm later today.

Ah the weekend is here, and will also be lazy today. Do want to do a pick up and some food shopping, so know both places open at 8 am, I’ll be at both not much after they open. And hope the car warms ups fast. 25 degrees outside. and overcast this morning. May try to get to bank too, as the one place I want to stop in tomorrow, only accepts cash.

Super nice Saturday to all, and those in this storm’s path, stay dry and safe.
Yesterday’s winter storm ended up not being much of a threat to us, but we still stayed inside all day. Dh did some prep work for his spring classes and then we all played Monopoly. It was actually B’s university version of Monopoly. She had never played the game before. I spent the rest of the day doing mor stitching. I’m making several small pictures that I am going to leave in random places for others to find. Here are my first 4:


We had someone from the new fiber optic internet company stop by. They are offering free installation and a significant rebate, so we decided to go ahead and sign up. While we were talking to the man a skunk wandered across our lawn. I have only seen a live skunk twice before in my life and both times they were someone’s pet.

No plans for today. I have enjoyed having some lazy days. It has been really quiet on this thread. I hope everyone is doing well.
Sunday it is. We too just got mostly rain yesterday, and even saw some of the sun later this afternoon.

Ooh hopefully that skunk was gone quick after seeing him, Charade. Glad it was scared, and left out his smell.

Trash at the curb, alarm set. Had cheeseburgers for lunch, so continue the cheese, thinking mac and cheese for dinner. Leftover steak cut up to toss into it. Quick and easy one pot meal. Sounds like a good dinner given it feels a bit cool inside.

Hope all are safe, dry, and will have a good night.
Very quiet here.

And it’s a Monday. And my laptop thinks it’s a Monday too, as was wonky when I first booted up. Seems like it’s slow a bit. Hehe, like me too. But glad it’s going to be mostly sunny today. Before the next storm of lots of rain the next two days.

Charade, those sewing pieces look great.

Hope all have a Marvelous Monday.


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