The Maelstromers... a FASTPASS!

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pongogirly...Have a nice walk!

DisneyMichelle...Gas is $2.85 a gallon here. TG we traded our Ford Expedition in 16 months ago....I'd be paying close to 100 bucks to fill that sucka up. I don't mind being peed on...although, I have 4 girls, so that's never happened to me. I've had plenty of vomit episodes so it doesn't bother me sooo much.

Me likes me some Buttery Nipples....Have you guys had those? Butter shots, Gross.....Those are vomit inducing!!
GeorgiaAristocat said:
Dang - it's Sheridac's Birthday and I missed it? (Or is this one of those "Happy Birthdays" like we see at steak houses all the time just to get the free dessert? Not that I think Sheridac is looking for a free dessert here. Or that she would fake her birthday. Who wants to fake being a year older? Now if it was a retro-age thing, then maybe . . .)

Anywhooooo . . . . :cake: :bday: :bday: :cake:

And I'm IN on the Traveling Mickey - even though lots will be there at the same time - so maybe I should just sign at the Maelstrom meet, since my kids would probably scream fits if they had to send back a stuffed something. The responsibility would be too much.

After all, I can barely keep track of my kids, and in the great scheme of things, which would be more important? (okay, I know the answer is obvious, of course the Mickey is more important . . .)

PasleaPooh - house pics are gorgeous. I want to live there . . .

Those pics were taken about 3 days after we moved house has never been quite as clean as that!

Sheri's B-Day is tomorrow....

Are we ALL going to sign the Traveling Mickey? Or, are we just taking pics w/him and then passing him on? Is this going to be one of those Pal Mickeys or a larger (less expensive) version .
I am heading off to watch some movies and play Scrabble....DH has beaten me the last 3 times and I can not HAVE that!!!

I'm highly much so.....that I may take up Sword Swallowing!!

Ok, I lied. I'm not THAT competitive!

Polymelonmommy.....I think these people are waiting for ya.


ZZUB....Are you staying at the POR again?
So, since supper is over, I have another story to add for the "Maelstrommers Diet" book . . .

My Dad is a veterinarian, so, naturally, I grew up cleaning all sorts of gross stuff (that's a technical term).

Well, at one point we had an entire litter of Rottweiller puppies in the hospital because they ALL had Parvo.

Parvo is a NASTY disease that kills by making the dog puke and poop until it dies of dehydration. (Actually, "poop" is not really accurate. It is the most foul smelling diarrhea you can imagine. Like something rotting from the inside out.)

Now, I was far old enough to know better (either in college or law school, which also means I had had enough education to understand biology and the laws of physics), but nevertheless moved all the puppies into the upper crates while I cleaned the lower crates.

I should have arranged myself better because the next thing I knew, I had, well, use your imagination, squirted onto my head, all in my hair, dripping down . . .

Talk about enough to make you throw up . . .

Dessert anyone?
I should have arranged myself better because the next thing I knew, I had, well, use your imagination, squirted onto my head, all in my hair, dripping down . . .
What are you people trying to do to me?!

I'll take another keyboad please. And some new shoes.

ZZUB said:
What are you people trying to do to me?!

I'll take another keyboad please. And some new shoes.

Zzub -

(I don't know you well enough to call you Zzubbie, or Zzubiepoo, or Buzzton.)
Woo hoo GA! A tag and a cool avatar. You rock! I live with the hope that someday my cyber self will be all dressed up and ready to party.

Thanks for that tale. Tail. Tale. That is probably the grossest thing ever.

youfuys are effven funnier atfer three bottlez of wine....

love that poly pic, ooohh ahhhh....


a nd am drniking
sheridac said:
I actually had to go back like 5 pages to catch up so if I missed someone, just let me know. Here's the list so far:

DisneyMommyMichelle 9/29 - 10/6 Pop
sheridac 11/26 - 12/4 Poly

Someone who is better at organizing, tell me. I guess the next step is to get everyone's travel dates. Anyone else who wants to join in, hop aboard.

Tomorrow is my B-day, but I'm going out tonight. See you on the flip side.

I'm in too.
July 12-21 POP/DTDH/OKW

I'll stay tuned to see how it all works.
Okay you puking, vomiting, pooping degenerates, this thread is sinking like a waterlogged ship. I mean this all occured at supper time. Can you all actually discuss these things whilst consuming a meal? What happened to the nice g rated chatting about houses and traveling pants and sexy hunks? Oh, Mel and Zzub returned. The gutter, I say, the gutter. Ahahahaaaaaaaaa-just kidding you sensitive kids you.

Pasleah! I heart that pic of GB! Take me to the dungeon! No have him take me!

Ok- the hint of someone else I have a weird star crush on is AI. If you figure out what that is, youi'll surely be able to figure out who SC is. It's not a major crush, just an appreciation of his uh, demeanor. He's a lil' grumpy and I don't mean, you lil' grumpy, sorry!

Listen Zzubs-You are adorable. We all wuvs ya' for your personality, you lil' spoonful o' puddin'. Who cares if you belong in the tree of life! In order to block out the image of GS with respect to you, I will merely close my eyes when I read your posts.....

Melly-Grammy went baldy for a cause. She is a heroine in my eyes and posted the pix here. I miss the dame, she better get back from that trailer soon......when i find her post i will smack it back up here. it is worthy of a second viewing. she had me rolling while you and your sidekick were gone, or are you his. sidekick. and melly. i too am drawn to freaks. love the sword thing, babe. hope its rubber....and do not go taking that the wrong way.
Wow - MOMOFMNM - I love your typing style!

Post, however reminds me of someone with Grumpy in their name!

Can you pass me a glass........I'll have wghat shhhhee's haviiiiinghhui!
Yzma and Kronk said:
Wow - MOMOFMNM - I love your typing style!

Post, however reminds me of someone with Grumpy in their name!

Can you pass me a glass........I'll have wghat shhhhee's haviiiiinghhui!

well I am having spme fon twonite

kisz are gone and i have u'all to kepp me ocupied....

and a(three) bottlesz of Riunite Blushz wine

I am achep date.... :)

i hope markemarek is not here twonighte he wuld be dispapproving if my behvioor

now i knw what lilgrmupy feels like everyday...

gettcha a glass
Hey Yak-Can I call ya that? That's diz too considering ee.

I'm a lime gimlet girl tonight, yakkie. Freshly squeezed, but rose's works too.

Polymomma- hall of famer with the polyman. You're gonna shop all summer for that perfect thong, aren't cha? holy cow are you li' grumpy? cuz :hippie: dat was a gweat impwession-polygoldengirl

Sher- happy happy hoo hoo hoo, baby. tell us about your dream night.
can i take that little critter from 8/23-30?

Just call me Contempo- from now until then..........
horsegirl said:
Okay you puking, vomiting, pooping degenerates, this thread is sinking like a waterlogged ship. I mean this all occured at supper time. Can you all actually discuss these things whilst consuming a meal? What happened to the nice g rated chatting about houses and traveling pants and sexy hunks? Oh, Mel and Zzub returned. The gutter, I say, the gutter. Ahahahaaaaaaaaa-just kidding you sensitive kids you.

Pasleah! I heart that pic of GB! Take me to the dungeon! No have him take me!

Ok- the hint of someone else I have a weird star crush on is AI. If you figure out what that is, youi'll surely be able to figure out who SC is. It's not a major crush, just an appreciation of his uh, demeanor. He's a lil' grumpy and I don't mean, you lil' grumpy, sorry!

Listen Zzubs-You are adorable. We all wuvs ya' for your personality, you lil' spoonful o' puddin'. Who cares if you belong in the tree of life! In order to block out the image of GS with respect to you, I will merely close my eyes when I read your posts.....

Melly-Grammy went baldy for a cause. She is a heroine in my eyes and posted the pix here. I miss the dame, she better get back from that trailer soon......when i find her post i will smack it back up here. it is worthy of a second viewing. she had me rolling while you and your sidekick were gone, or are you his. sidekick. and melly. i too am drawn to freaks. love the sword thing, babe. hope its rubber....and do not go taking that the wrong way.

It's plastic. Rubber is for wussies. It bends.

You can't call yourself a sword swallower if it bends. Just my opinion. Tho.

I missed you. You crazy animal lover ~ you.

Gotta check out Grammy. That rocks.

I like Shawn Cassidy. What's not to like?

Except his bellbottoms.

They're worse than ZZUB's acid wash stroller. Heh.

Melons... are you OK? Or are you in Margaritaville with Lil' Grumpy?

He loves your peaches... etc, etc.
'Cause I have a housefull of company tonight but I just HAD to check the thread. I'm a freakin' loser.

I am.

Ysma and Cronk ~ why both names?
oooooooooh, horseygirl likes 'em eeeeeevil! Or at least heartlessly critical.


It's the accent, ittn't it? You can pretty much say anything with a British accent and it'll sound good.
horsie - sure you can call me YaK - the only thing it has a bit of a puke ring to it. Excuse me, I gotta Yak! :rotfl2:

Mel - It's the Grove Baby.......boom baby! Double names are so cool :cool1:

My poison tonight - Yohohoho and a bottle of with Coke Zero! A lime with it, of course! Gotta type with some class.

My puke/yak story is coming up (no pun intented :rotfl2:) soon!
kpk89 said:
oooooooooh, horseygirl likes 'em eeeeeevil! Or at least heartlessly critical.


It's the accent, ittn't it? You can pretty much say anything with a British accent and it'll sound good.

Oh Kimmie- its the accent, its the voice, its the bod, its the eyes. Its the fact that he was a barrister and dumped that crappy work for the arts. He sings and works out and has biggum heepum baby blues.

you know i had a british boyfriend in college for a while. Chistopher. A cute chap, but mick j thin. I just couldn't get into holding bones. it was creepy dee! but i like ralh fiennes and i'm pretty sure its the accent.

what's yer cocktail ce soir?
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