The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: Being somewhat frugal-even at Disney-- I tend not to spend money on snacks...or food....or alcohol. But it would appear that both Dole Whips and School Bread are exceptions to that rule, since I ate both on the last trip, and are not something that I can get at home. I'm sure there are others I would happily eat--or drink--if money and calories were no object!

As for the other foods mentioned.....yes for raisins, bananas, et al. And as for cookies, I have finally finished off a recent spur of the moment make......Salted Chocolate Chunk Shortbread. All sorts of butter and TJ's 70% dark chocolate. Non, je ne regrette rien.

ATTQOTD: It will always be a dole whip for me!

@LSUlakes - could you please remove my race scheduled for 2/4? This is the second time in a row this race organizer (Race 13.1) has cancelled their races. The first was legitimate due to weather but I honestly have no clue why this one was‍♀️
Dole whip

I'll save a spot at the Tiki Room for you!

I am always, always down to enjoy a grand marnier slush from France.

The salted caramel Grand Marnier ice cream martini from L'Artisan des Glaces in Epcot


I love the orange one best but have never seen this caramel sundae thing before!!!! Bucket list now!

And since I changed the rules so that I can have more than one thing...
ATTQOTD: All this food talk definitely makes one hungry and these great pictures are not helping.
For me it has to be the DL Matternhorn Macaroons, nothing but pure sugar Yum! Although recently tried the Pongu Lumpia in Pandora and it also was very delicious.
QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)

Definitely Ketchikan, AK - it was our first port during our Alaskan cruise last summer. My husband and Dad went fishing, so I went on a run through town, the totem forest, over quite a few scenic bridges and basically until civilization stopped (as I was warned by people in town), and then I turned around and came back! It was definitely a great way to spend a morning since I didn't have an excursion planned in town and we weren't in port for very long.
I don’t snack much, but have had at least one or two of each of these “biggies” over the years: Mickey ice cream bar, churro, cinnamon roll (when they were at Main Street Bakery), Dole Whip, popcorn, cinnamon almonds, and a few more. All are delicious, but my favorite is a chocolate eclair from Les Halles.
Has anyone tried the maple popcorn from the Canada cart. It smells great whenever I pass by!
QOTD: Tell us about one of the most scenic routes you have gone on a run. Is it a place you get to run often or was it during a vacation / holiday (I see this term and assume its the same as vacation. Not a term used in my little corner of the world though so I could be wrong.)

ATYQOTD: My favorite run recently has been around Le Lac in Geneva, Switzerland. i'm just hoping my back is behaving enough that I can run there again in three weeks!

Fun Friday QOTD: Since we have a lot of cookie talk this week, lets stay on a food topic. You are allowed to eat only one snack from the parks, but you are allowed to eat it as many times as you want. What do you choose?

Popcorn. Done.
ATTQOTD: Definitely the Mickey bar!! The hubs snapped this one while me and MIL were mid-bite of the ear. There are many pictures like this from my childhood (and adulthood)...I could have a photo album of just me + Mickey bar pics. :D
But, @Barca33Runner, the palmier is my runner up!!!! I pretty much love anything at Les Halles too...croissants, mousse au chocolat, plat du fromage...this is making me very hungry, and I am now looking back at pictures from a 2011 trip to Paris...
With all the low carb talk, I'm curious if anyone has tried a ketogenic diet while running/working out consistently? My husband is a competitive cyclist and thinks that I'm crazy for considering a keto diet while training for the Princess Half, or for considering keto at all. He claims I'll have no energy and it will decrease my performance during running, soccer etc. Thoughts or experience?
ATTQOTD: Definitely the Mickey bar!! The hubs snapped this one while me and MIL were mid-bite of the ear. There are many pictures like this from my childhood (and adulthood)...I could have a photo album of just me + Mickey bar pics. :D
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But, @Barca33Runner, the palmier is my runner up!!!! I pretty much love anything at Les Halles too...croissants, mousse au chocolat, plat du fromage...this is making me very hungry, and I am now looking back at pictures from a 2011 trip to Paris...
Nicely synchronized on the mid-bite of the ears, both starting on the outside and working in! :mickeybar
With all the low carb talk, I'm curious if anyone has tried a ketogenic diet while running/working out consistently? My husband is a competitive cyclist and thinks that I'm crazy for considering a keto diet while training for the Princess Half, or for considering keto at all. He claims I'll have no energy and it will decrease my performance during running, soccer etc. Thoughts or experience?

I do Keto for other reasons, and I have plenty of energy to run and work out. Your body fat adapts and burns fat for energy instead of carbs. I actually perform and feel better on a Keto diet than I did as a vegetarian.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions :cutie:
Well, as good as 2017 was for me from a running standpoint, 2018 is determined be the opposite! After coming down with bronchitis during MW (still have a residual cough) I finally got back to training this week.

A little soreness on the inside of the shin that blossomed into a full fledged issue and limp while walking this week prompted a visit to the orthopedic urgent care today. Apparently I have an excess growth of bone on my tibia that has gotten aggravated. The doctor was baffled and had no idea as to where it came from, why it's decided to bother me now, or even a clear path of treatment and return to running! The best they have is 2 weeks of no activity other than walking on a high power anti-inflammatory and hope it settles down on its own. If it does, then slowly reintroduce running and hope it doesn't recur. Not a diagnosis or plan of action to engender confidence!

Hopefully this too shall pass. In the meantime, @LSUlakes can you please remove next month's race from the schedule for me:

March 17 - camaker - Badwater Cape Fear 50k/50m

Fingers crossed everything clears in time to get my June half and fall marathon in!
Snack! One of my favorite things. I am a picky eater and a small eater and then hungry an hour later so snacks it is! Cinnamon bun is high on the savory list as well as rice krispy treats and the ultimate caramel peanut apple.
I also like pretzels for a more savory snack but popcorn sounds good too and ice cream. Yes I eat all the snacks!


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