The walking dead amc #2

Here is another thought about Siddiq and the other doctor. Who is the other doctor? Have we seen him talk to anyone else besides Siddiq? Could he be a figment of Siddiq's imagination?

He did tell Michonne and Daryl that Carol was all patched up and resting, I think.
Most drugs last LOOONG past their stated expiration date. But unless someone’s making them you’d think supply would dry up and it’d be pretty hard to develop an addiction! Stupid story imo.

The episode was better than most recently but that’s not saying much. And I honestly can’t stand Siddiq. Couldn’t care less about him. Maybe that new “doctor” could be made interesting. I mean, if they hire new writers of course. ;)
Most drugs last LOOONG past their stated expiration date. But unless someone’s making them you’d think supply would dry up and it’d be pretty hard to develop an addiction! Stupid story imo.

The episode was better than most recently but that’s not saying much. And I honestly can’t stand Siddiq. Couldn’t care less about him. Maybe that new “doctor” could be made interesting. I mean, if they hire new writers of course. ;)

Yes I'm not that interested in Saddiq's PTSD or whatever is going inside Carol's head. Just not that interesting.
I want to know how the whisperers got a nuclear weapon. They didn't mention that before and now Michone says they have one?

I really enjoyed the first episode. I also want to know what is wrong with Beta's face.

The nuclear weapon is that herd she threatens them with ....

This show is just so :confused3 now. I'm watching bc I have been since day 1, but seriously the writing is awful. There's so much potential and then just always leaves us saying wth......
The nuclear weapon is that herd she threatens them with ....

This show is just so :confused3 now. I'm watching bc I have been since day 1, but seriously the writing is awful. There's so much potential and then just always leaves us saying wth......
Yep. Sums it up.
My first thought, when I saw Michonne, Luke and Judith in the car is that something is going to go sideways and Luke will die, Michonne will either die or be badly injured and the Whisperers will get Judith. Alpha will then try to ransom Judith for her daughter.
My first thought, when I saw Michonne, Luke and Judith in the car is that something is going to go sideways and Luke will die, Michonne will either die or be badly injured and the Whisperers will get Judith. Alpha will then try to ransom Judith for her daughter.
AH, I could see a Negan rescuing them redemption story. Blech.
BRANDON! OMG! When I heard that whistle, I told my mom, Negan's going to have to kill him. Even before they showed what he'd done to Milo and his mom. Ugh! What a nut job. Reminded me of, look at the flowers Lizzie!

Poor Ezekiel. When I noticed his persistent cough, that's the first thing I thought of. Well, not exactly thyroid, but possibly lung.

I don't understand what's up with Magna. Why is she acting like that?? AND, I hate when they use Connie's little pad to write questions on. I usually can't read them!

Also, how did Kelly not get eaten passed out by that tree??
Um...couple-few things:

1) don't care about Magna and her girlfriend...nor about Kelly (and, yes, she should have been eaten). But don't care about these characters. Care about our OG cast.

2) who the heck was that psycho guy with Negan? Don't know, don't care. Glad Negan offed him.

3) Negan can NEVER be redeemed to me (or many other fans). And it certainly won't do it when they have him creeping perverted with some stranger boy. They could have, and should have, stopped with the airplane dialogue...but to go on about private part, very creepy show. Not funny cool...CREEPY PEDO!!!!

4) and where does Connie get all her little note pads? She find a note pad factory and haul a stash of 50 cases back to her off road camp (wherever she was before alexandria)?
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Um...couple-few things:

1) don't care about Magna and her girlfriend...nor about Kelly (and, yes, she should have been eaten). But don't care about these characters. Care about our OG cast.

2) who the heck was that psycho guy with Negan? Don't know, don't care. Glad Negan offed him.

3) Negan can NEVER be redeemed to me (or many other fans). And it certainly won't do it when they have him creeping perverted with some stranger boy. They could have, and should have, stopped with the airplane dialogue...but to go on about private part, very creepy show. Not funny cool...CREEPY PEDO!!!!

OMG!! That CREEPED me out too!! What kind of mother leaves her son alone with a TOTAL STRANGER period, let alone whilst trying to survive ten years into the zombie apocalypse?
I found the private part smacking so weird too. I liked the airplane part, you could tell he seems to have liked kids, even though as far as we know he never had any. Brandon was the son of one of the Saviors, but they never said which one. I'm assuming one of Negan's lieutenants, like Simon. I think Negan will be redeemed by helping with the Whisperers now that he has been captured by them. I'm surprised they wouldn't have killed him, seems weird they would keep Negan alive.
So just watched the latest episode. Honestly, other than the extremely odd\disturbing private part whacking thing, I've pretty much given in to the fact that Negan is the only character worth watching the show for anymore. I'm 100% team Negan. I know it's not going to happen, but I'd love to see him take over the whisperers and turn them into saviors, head back and take over all the other settlements and off anyone that stands in his way. At least the show would be interesting again, lol.

I just can't take the "new" cast anymore. I'm trying, but all I ever see are a bunch of whiny non Walking Dead characters that I could care less about.
Um...couple-few things:

1) don't care about Magna and her girlfriend...nor about Kelly (and, yes, she should have been eaten). But don't care about these characters. Care about our OG cast.

I'm with you. Watching Talking Dead and the actresses that play Kelly and Yumiko were on the couch. Chris was reading a bunch of fan comments supposedly from the internet. BS. I don't think anyone cares about this group and their relationships with each other.
I'm with you. Watching Talking Dead and the actresses that play Kelly and Yumiko were on the couch. Chris was reading a bunch of fan comments supposedly from the internet. BS. I don't think anyone cares about this group and their relationships with each other.

Agree! I don't care about anybody but Daryl, and maybe Carol, a little bit. But even she gets on my nerves. And Daryl and Connie... puh-lease!
I'm with you. Watching Talking Dead and the actresses that play Kelly and Yumiko were on the couch. Chris was reading a bunch of fan comments supposedly from the internet. BS. I don't think anyone cares about this group and their relationships with each other.

Its so true. I keep thinking all these new group people are taking away air time for the ones I really want to see like Daryl, Carol, Eugene etc. I can't keep track of the new people and who is with who and who did what. It's so confusing with so many characters. Then you don't see a set of people for a few weeks and it's hard to keep up with everyones story line.
So what did everyone think about last night.

I know some people do not like Negan, but I can't help to like him. JDM does such a great job. I thought Negan and Beta's interactions were great and I can't wait to see him interact with Alpha. I really do think Negan is going to help the Alexandrian/Hilltop crew. I honestly don't think he wants to be part of the Whisperers and also does not want the Whisperers to attack them. He does care for Judith, I think he would do anything he could to protect her.

We still have not seen who let Negan out, I think it was Carol. I feel she made a deal with him to infiltrate the Whisperers. Of course Negan might be the last person to make a deal with or trust, but I think Carol is desperate.

Having said all of this, I do not think Negan can be redeemed. I think it would be too weird to see Daryl, Michonne, Aaron, etc., accept him after what they witnessed. Which is why I think Carol is the one who let him out, she knows what he did, but never witnessed it.


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