This is Us- Season six

I wish they hadn’t spent so much time on the wedding, night before the wedding, and guessing about Kevin’s marriage mystery. I’d like to see more of Kate and Philip’s relationship, and also Rebecca and Miguel’s relationship development. But maybe that’s still coming.
I saw this too! Sophie and Madison are there! Regardless of whether Sophie and Kevin are married are not, I knew Sophie would be there! Much like Toby, someone probably called her and was like “she wants you there”

There’s chatter on Reddit that this picture is a spoiler. Everyone has been doing this for six years now, and I don’t think we’ve ever had a spoiler that wasn’t put out by them in the first place.

Apparently the next to last episode is a doozy..
There’s chatter on Reddit that this picture is a spoiler. Everyone has been doing this for six years now, and I don’t think we’ve ever had a spoiler that wasn’t put out by them in the first place.

Apparently the next to last episode is a doozy..
I don't consider anyone's presence on set a spoiler because half the show is flashbacks anyway. :rotfl2:

I definitely think the upcoming episodes will be intense, though!
I‘m still holding out hope for Miguel. I think he walks in with Kate. Trying to be optimistic.
There was a sequence about three seasons ago to a song, Memorized - performed by Jack as an adult.

In it, Miguel was off to the background, in a tad bit of a blur of light coming in.

The creator has openly said that song is filled with the whole storyline. That part always caught my eye.

I too always carry hope, but I absolutely believe it is false hope.

I wish they hadn’t spent so much time on the wedding, night before the wedding, and guessing about Kevin’s marriage mystery. I’d like to see more of Kate and Philip’s relationship, and also Rebecca and Miguel’s relationship development. But maybe that’s still coming.
Me too. Me too Nora. Agree with your entire post. I think it was a mistake.


And this is going to sound like a witch and is frankly quite shallow, but I hated Kate's hair and dress. Hated.

So I did not need to be frustrated with their choices for her wedding, over and over. :rotfl2:

And she can look quite beautiful. She does on the cover of the Entertainment Weekly?? send off that someone posted. Looks fantastic in that green dress.
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Knee deep in the NBA playoffs , talking to myself on a thread :laughing:, but have been reading here.

Too lazy to go back and find the original post.

So going to chatter a bit on my thoughts.

First, I no longer care who Kevin ends up with - now that part is a snorefest to me.

My money is on prairie_girl. Don't tell her husband.
Or Annette that I am making tv characters real.
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As for all on here so surprised he might end up with no one -

I want my damn cookie. Insert smile. I do not know how many times in the last three years someone has said to me "He has a ring".

I am like oh damn that damn blah blah ring.

But alone is what I could never shake. (But of course even though I have been chanting it for years, who knows.)

And heck maybe absolutely alone at the bedside timing and a wonderful surprise after that, I would like that. But then again we are back to that damn ring.
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Whoever complained about the writing of Beth lately, I am SO with you. She is everything to me on here. And it is verging on making her a caricature of herself. Still love her, but not loving the writing at times.

I hate when they bring in too many different writers, the core of the characters can easily get lost. And do not do that to us in the last season.
Dementia. Doesn't matter a rat's *** what the professionals say one should do.

You make daily errors - sometimes hourly ones. You know better at times but just try to get through a day intact with your own sanity.

(Not meaning to be an *** to whoever mentioned that point earlier, sincerely.)

And the transposing of one loved one to another - no need to look alike.
I feel like tonights episode will be kind of a fluff episode for some reason. I think it was funny last episode with Beth and Madison being sleuths, but I feel like they could have revealed it at the end who Kevin was with and not made a whole episode. Which lady will Kevin pick? I don't know it seems a little gimmicky.

I guess they teased us in the final scene where Kevin is out getting food and his son runs by. I think the son was too young to be one of the twins, so he must have a child with someone else. I think he will end up with Cassidy for some reason. I am sure it will be a good episode as they have been knocking it out of the park lately. One episode coming up is titled "Miguel" and I am so looking forward to that one.
II think the son was too young to be one of the twins, so he must have a child with someone else.
But don't you think he seems around ten? That lines up, no?

Am I missing something anniemae?


(As far as Cassidy, she was a big focus in that song - a la "Could a stranger really end up being you?")
But don't you think he seems around ten? That lines up, no?

Am I missing something anniemae?


(As far as Cassidy, she was a big focus in that song - a la "Could a stranger really end up being you?")

No, I'm sure you are right. I just was not sure how much time passed. Randall looked older, but I think 10 years would add up to be correct. I am overthinking it.
No, I'm sure you are right. I just was not sure how much time passed. Randall looked older, but I think 10 years would add up to be correct. I am overthinking it.
Who knows about anything. Not moi. I just figured they were all in their early fifties during that scene.


And in other news are we supposed to care that the words "Only love can break your heart" were playing, as it all played out.

Now there's overthinking anniemae. :laughing:
Ok, I’ll admit I was wrong.

Kevin ending up with Sophie is the way it’s supposed to be. This is the first episode where I’ve really, really liked her. I don’t blame her for freaking out about the shampoo. I thought he was totally living in the past by saying that.

The scene in the hallway between Kevin and Nicky, and then Cassidy too, was hilarious. No you don’t, you don’t put that on me LOL
Followed by all the ball talk :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I still have a little bit of doubt that Sophie and Kevin are end game only because she hasn’t been shown in the deathbed scene. I was hoping we’d see more of it but I guess they’re saving it for the actual end.
I have loved most episodes and some have been lukewarm for me. But that's the way it is in life, we don't all love the same things. I am thankful for the talent of these amazing writers. We love picking apart the show at work on Wednesday mornings and I appreciate the discussions we've been able to have about the intertwining relationships between the characters. Whether there are 4 episodes left or 40, I don't think any time has been wasted. JMHO. My Tuesday nights will never be the same. I love how Kevin's story is coming together. The look in his eyes, his pauses between words was so genuine to me.


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