What did you bake today ? OK if not from scratch

I wanted to bake in the worst way, but didn’t have much in the way of ingredients. I did have butter, flour and sugar, so I made shortbread cookies. They are very yummy considering how basic they are. I don’t do a lot of baking, so ingredients tend to get stale or go out of date at my house.
Baked a vegan chocolate cake using a kit from flour bakery in boston. pretty good for a vegan treat. got good reviews from mom + brother.
I made Blueberry Muffins from the America's Test Kitchen recipe. This is the second time I made them during this pandemic and this time they came out much better. For this recipe you make a blueberry jam first from 1 cup of blueberries and then the other cup of fresh blueberry gets added into the batter. When the muffin tin is filled you add a teaspoon of the blueberry jam to the center of each muffin. Swirl it around a bit and then top with a lemon sugar topping (zest from one lemon and 1/3 cup sugar).

I also used to make the Tollhouse recipe. That's what I got started on, but thanks to Pinterest I started experimenting. I feel like I have made every recipe out there! I've done the refrigeration method, too. I like to do that for Christmas cookies since they look better that way.

This is the recipe I used:

Well I just took the last batch out of the oven and I love that recipe you posted. I love the taste and the look. No flattening out like the Toll House. Thank you so much for posting it. It made over 80 cookies with the #70 size cookie scoop! 4 trays of 20 cookies (recipe would have made more but some family members were sneaking cookie dough out of the bowl) LOL



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I was up super early this morning, and the weather is supposed to be cooler today, so I did sugar cookies and banana bread. I used BlueStarryHat's banana bread recipe (that I got from here on the DIS) but this time I subbed almond extract for the vanilla and added coconut and mini M&Ms. It is scrumptious!
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My DH recently spent a few days golfing in British Columbia in the Okanagan, which is the main fruit-producing region in Canada. There’s literally nothing in the world that compares to that amazing, tree-ripened fruit and the season is preciously short. He brought back a case each of peaches and apricots so yesterday I made a picture-perfect peach pie and we had a couple of friends in for dessert. It was sublime. :cloud9:
Needed to use up store-bought pizza dough from dinner plans that went sideways earlier in the week, so this morning I made cinnamon rolls and garlic rolls.
I baked Gluten free brownies for DD yesterday. From a mix, but add more cocoa powder and chocolate chips to make them more chocolatey
Banana chocolate chip muffins for breakfast this week. I post the recipe before, however this time I traded cinnamon for pumpkin pie spice... so we'll see how that goes.

Making this for my parents 35th wedding anniversary but substituting mushrooms for the garbanzo beans and grilled knockwursts instead of vegan chorizo.

No new baking today, but for breakfast, I warmed up the cinnamon rolls I'd frozen a couple of weeks ago. (I think I mentioned up thread trying out two different recipes from the same dough.) I froze half the cinnamon ones to see how they held up, and I am happy to report it worked well. 😀 - I always feel less guilty about baking goodies if we don't eat them all at once.


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