What would you have done?

How is that extreme? I really had no idea anyone tested anymore. I can't even remember the last time I heard someone bring up Covid. Most people have moved on to worrying about other things like gas prices and inflation.
I’ll tell my coworker that she should be thinking about gas prices when she gets back from bereavement leave. Spouse died from Covid recently.
Just because it’s not affecting you doesn’t necessarily make it all about you.

Just wanted to get your opinions on what you would have possibly done in this situation. Friday night, I went out some of my co-workers. This morning, one of my co-workers called me and told me she is very sick with the Covid (she tested positive this morning). Today, I was supposed to go to one my close friend’s birthday party. I told my friends in the group what happened and they all still wanted to me to come (so far I feel ok and tested negative with an at home test), but I went with my judgement and decided to stay home. It costed me a little money as I contributed towards the party, but I didn’t want to take any chances. What would you have done?

Thanks as always.
To each their own- I would have just continued on with life as usual. Covid is just like a cold or a mild case of the flu now- not as big of a deal as it was in 2020- the strains are so much weaker now.
The only issue is KNOWING you've been exposed. If you spent the day at the mall, on a plane, at Disney, at the grocery store, etc, you might have been exposed and never even known it.

I understand the concern and thinking about cancelling. However, since you talked to those attending and let them know of your exposure, and they still wanted you to attend, I think I would go.
Here is what the CDC says you should be doing.


1. You should be wearing an N95 mask for the next 10 days including in your home if there is anyone else that lives with you. You should not go anywhere near other people unless you can continuously wear an N95 mask while there. That includes inside your home.
2. You should test on day 6. If negative continue to wear the N95 continuously and isolate from everyone when not wearing an N95 until the conclusion of day 10.

So that means an N95 until August 29th while at work.

Your friend should not return to work until August 23rd and can come back mask free.

As to what I would have done....

I would have let others know I had an exposure and if they didn't care I would have gone.
There is no way in heck I would ever go back to wearing N95 masks or any other kind of mask- that ship sailed back in 2020- I complied with it then for months but not going back there again.
Absolutely! I would question the doctor. It's actually negligent if the patient is older or has other health issues not to prescribe an antiviral!
I always think it is good to question doctors just so you are informed and understand what treatment they are prescribing. But with that said, it is not always negligent. You have no idea if a patient has a contraindication or anything else that may not make it a good idea to go on an anti-viral. We also know that sometimes a rebound infection occurs. Let's not talk in absolutes when you are referring to individuals as that is dangerous.
How privileged ...anyone who discounts the severity of Covid, as it still is detrimental, to this day. Anyone who mocks people who test or mask or "think about Covid". You must have all healthy people in your circle, or you just don't give a ****. One of my people, that we have been cautious FOR, died this very morning. It is very raw - that anyone would mock anyone trying to keep their loved ones (or themselves) Covid-free...whatever the reason.

I had a long post typed up, but it isn't worth it. Selfish people gonna selfish.
I'm not really for mocking people for their choices of masking or not. I just have a problem with those stating that those who don't mask are [insert nasty adjective here]. We all make decisions about risk everyday and should retain the right to do so...
To all of you saying you're done with testing, masking....sure you do you boo. However, I do want to remind you that, there are people out there still suffering from covid, myself included. I got covid 6 weeks ago for the 1st time, and I'm still suffering from post covid symptoms. Life for me right now is not horrible, but it's not rainbows and sunshine either. I can't do anything active, I can't even walk faster or carry anything too heavy because I will be out of breath, and breathing becomes difficult. Without consistent use of my inhalers, I can't even breathe normally. Have you ever experienced that? If you haven't, please don't mock others with what they need to do to keep themselves from being sick. It's not my intention to make you feel bad for me or give me sympathy, I don't need that at all. But it's a reminder that until you or you see your loved ones suffering, you will have absolutely no idea how horrible it is, and there's nothing you can do to help them ease their pain. Again, you do you but please be more sensitive to those who still NEED to be more careful.

End rant.
I'm sorry your having a tough time. I think the problem a lot of us have with the COVID narrative is that there are some that just want to remain in 2020 & the fear of that time. COVID can still be out there and it we can still go back to normal life and not treat it any differently than we did the Flu prior to COVID. Both can be true at the same time.
If I hung out with someone on Tuesday and learned later on that day/next day that they tested positive for flu, covid, strep, etc. I would consider skipping a party. I would not have symptoms at that point but I still may be contagious and pass it along to others. No, it is not living in fear, or not living my life. I consider it a courtesy to my friends and family by not exposing them to something that I may have picked up from someone.

ETA - when did being considerate of others' become a bad thing?
I don't have a problem with consideration and agree that in general we can use a lot more of it in the US. I have a problem with people dictating how others should behave when they have no idea of their situation. In the OP's post she 1) wasn't sick, 2) had tested negative & 3) had informed the party goers that she had been exposed. In my opinion she was considerate. Since everyone was okay with her still going I would still have gone. She didn't feel comfortable but she has every right to do what she feels is best. On the flip side if she went I don't think anyone should be mad at her either, nor do I think that would be inconsiderate.
Being considerate of others is not only being presented as a bad thing, but a weakness, something to be laughed at and belittled.
I don't think it is... Again, I think it is the projecting that if you don't follow masking/stay home then you are inconsiderate. If you are coughing or sneezing in public and aren't sick that you are somehow in the wrong.
Bottom line - if you have COVID try to stay home. There may be some extenuating circumstances that you may have to leave the house and in that case do everything you can to ensure you aren't interacting with others.
Well, might as well put this here;
And yes, this is current, as in today. I don't know about you, but I'd be WFH until they dropped that policy.
Yeah, I would have quit. I'm not following the non-sense.
This 100%. It’s good to test and know whether it’s Covid or not for your medical history. Even a mild case of Covid can cause lingering after effects (blood clots, heart issues, etc.) and it can be very helpful for your doctor to know if/when you’ve had Covid if new issues crop up in the weeks or months after. A coworker of mine had a relatively mild Covid infection last summer. Like a “cold”. This person is early 40s, healthy, athletic, very physically active, no history of high blood pressure or heart issues. Two months later suddenly had atrial fibrillation and needed to have an ablation procedure. The recent prior Covid infection was very useful information for his cardiologist to have because researchers are starting to see a pattern/correlation with Covid and sudden onset atrial fibrillation.
Don't forget that a lot of heart issues are linked to the vaccine as well. A lot more data coming out on that every day.
I know someone who just lost their spouse to Covid. Covid is still a thing.
Yes, COVID is a thing. Just like all the other infectious diseases. It isn't at the same level of killing that is was in 2020 & we know a lot more about it now. We need to move on from forcing an entire country to change behaviors when they aren't sick.
I’ll tell my coworker that she should be thinking about gas prices when she gets back from bereavement leave. Spouse died from Covid recently.
Just because it’s not affecting you doesn’t necessarily make it all about you.
And conversely just because it affects one person doesn't mean anyone else should worry about it. I'm very sorry for their loss but we all have people who have died from many different causes.
I guess the cases really must be ticking up ... schools in Texas and Kentucky cancelled classes recently for outbreaks. The one in Texas just says covid. Kentucky has the triple combo of covid, flu, and strep. Wow, can't wait until our school starts next week.



Yeah, not quite in "normal" territory yet, are we? Love the person who left a Facebook message saying it was laziness on the behalf of the school. Tough to teach the kids when a quarter of the teachers are out sick with covid.
I guess the cases really must be ticking up ... schools in Texas and Kentucky cancelled classes recently for outbreaks. The one in Texas just says covid. Kentucky has the triple combo of covid, flu, and strep. Wow, can't wait until our school starts next week.


Well in these cases I'm glad that the decision is being made locally based on the situation in those cities. That is how this really should work. Put in measures where there really is an issue.
Here's a thought; sure, masking would theoretically reduces the spread if you wore one all the time, even at home - but of course, nobody wears a mask at home. So...
You know what absolutely improves COVID outcomes and thus reduces the spread? Being in better physical shape - it's without debate. So, instead of requiring ineffective masks, or worse, shutting things down (especially schools where nobody ever got critically sick), let's weigh everyone - get a baseline, then tell everyone they can resume normal activity when they achieve certain individual fitness goals. It can be a certain BMI, or maybe your time running a mile, or the number of consecutive pull-ups you can do. Too hard? Too invasive? At least you'd have some control over that. Setting restrictions based on the spread of a disease you have no control over is just insanity - but we did it. And we are doing it again? That's gets a HARD pass from me.

Here's a question that I have not found the answer to and is a little more related to this thread; Why is testing positivity rate a metric for anything? If you have a positivity rate of 5% then that means 95% of the people tested are not sick - confirmed, but you felt the need to get tested anyway? To me, that's a measure of paranoia and nothing else.
Well in these cases I'm glad that the decision is being made locally based on the situation in those cities. That is how this really should work. Put in measures where there really is an issue.
Well, no. Have you met Dr. Ferrer in Los Angeles County? She's in charge of the County-wide restrictions and is one of those people who never removed the mask. She is straight-up crazy. It's the reason why LA County kept restrictions longer than anywhere else in the US. Did I mention she is also not a medical Doctor? How about we just let the individual decide this time? The data has shown that it just doesn't matter anyway.
Here's a thought; sure, masking would theoretically reduces the spread if you wore one all the time, even at home - but of course, nobody wears a mask at home. So...
You know what absolutely improves COVID outcomes and thus reduces the spread? Being in better physical shape - it's without debate. So, instead of requiring ineffective masks, or worse, shutting things down (especially schools where nobody ever got critically sick), let's weigh everyone - get a baseline, then tell everyone they can resume normal activity when they achieve certain individual fitness goals. It can be a certain BMI, or maybe your time running a mile, or the number of consecutive pull-ups you can do. Too hard? Too invasive? At least you'd have some control over that. Setting restrictions based on the spread of a disease you have no control over is just insanity - but we did it. And we are doing it again? That's gets a HARD pass from me.

Here's a question that I have not found the answer to and is a little more related to this thread; Why is testing positivity rate a metric for anything? If you have a positivity rate of 5% then that means 95% of the people tested are not sick - confirmed, but you felt the need to get tested anyway? To me, that's a measure of paranoia and nothing else.

We're not instituting mass mask mandates again. You can keep saying "that gets a HARD pass from you". Mass mask mandates haven't been in place in well over a year....they mostly ended at the end of winter 2022 for a handful of states where they were still happening. Many states dropped it way before that. Same for masks on airlines....etc. But you keep protesting against something that literally isn't happening if that makes you happy.
We're not instituting mass mask mandates again. You can keep saying "that gets a HARD pass from you". Mass mask mandates haven't been in place in well over a year....they mostly ended at the end of winter 2022 for a handful of states where they were still happening. Many states dropped it way before that. Same for masks on airlines....etc. But you keep protesting against something that literally isn't happening if that makes you happy.
Did you not read the article I posted? Well, here's another one;
Does "2 weeks to slow the spread" ring any bells?
Dr. Ferrer, still employed;
Do you know any politicians that got recalled or voted out of office? How about and school board members? Literally nothing has changed. We better ALL be protesting or it's going to happen again. There's absolutely noting else that will stop it from happening.
I always think it is good to question doctors just so you are informed and understand what treatment they are prescribing. But with that said, it is not always negligent. You have no idea if a patient has a contraindication or anything else that may not make it a good idea to go on an anti-viral. We also know that sometimes a rebound infection occurs. Let's not talk in absolutes when you are referring to individuals as that is dangerous.

I'm not really for mocking people for their choices of masking or not. I just have a problem with those stating that those who don't mask are [insert nasty adjective here]. We all make decisions about risk everyday and should retain the right to do so...

I'm sorry your having a tough time. I think the problem a lot of us have with the COVID narrative is that there are some that just want to remain in 2020 & the fear of that time. COVID can still be out there and it we can still go back to normal life and not treat it any differently than we did the Flu prior to COVID. Both can be true at the same time.

I don't have a problem with consideration and agree that in general we can use a lot more of it in the US. I have a problem with people dictating how others should behave when they have no idea of their situation. In the OP's post she 1) wasn't sick, 2) had tested negative & 3) had informed the party goers that she had been exposed. In my opinion she was considerate. Since everyone was okay with her still going I would still have gone. She didn't feel comfortable but she has every right to do what she feels is best. On the flip side if she went I don't think anyone should be mad at her either, nor do I think that would be inconsiderate.

I don't think it is... Again, I think it is the projecting that if you don't follow masking/stay home then you are inconsiderate. If you are coughing or sneezing in public and aren't sick that you are somehow in the wrong.
Bottom line - if you have COVID try to stay home. There may be some extenuating circumstances that you may have to leave the house and in that case do everything you can to ensure you aren't interacting with others.

Yeah, I would have quit. I'm not following the non-sense.

Don't forget that a lot of heart issues are linked to the vaccine as well. A lot more data coming out on that every day.

Yes, COVID is a thing. Just like all the other infectious diseases. It isn't at the same level of killing that is was in 2020 & we know a lot more about it now. We need to move on from forcing an entire country to change behaviors when they aren't sick.

And conversely just because it affects one person doesn't mean anyone else should worry about it. I'm very sorry for their loss but we all have people who have died from many different causes.
Yes but we don’t always downplay other infectious diseases like some of the posters here. Mocking others who may know people who have died from the disease takes a special kind of personality.
Obviously we have moved on in many ways but we still need to be informed and considerate.
I'm Lmao at being called nasty. I've never heard anyone use that term in that concept except my mother may she rest in peace. All I can think of is Janet Jackson's song "Nasty".....great song.

Do my ears deceive me, or am I hearing some Janet Jackson playing in the background ...

Unfortunately, it usually tends to get nasty. Why some people think they are going to change someone's values, opinions, or political beliefs is beyond me.


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