Wk of April 20 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Morning team! Yikes, the winter weather keeps coming, but they are still predicting nice weather this weekend. Hard to imagine right now though! Last night it was FREEZING!!! I went out for a 3 mi run before boot camp. My shin felt...okay, but overall my legs weren't really happy. My left knee was actually bugging me. Boot camp went well in the evening, but it was downright miserable outside in the snow and cold wind.

Went to the chiro today to get the shins looked at again, plus he poked around and helped to sort out any issues in my left knee. I'm going to rest up until my 5K on Sunday, but hopefully the race will go okay!
Leana - Good luck this weekend!! I hope the weather cooperates with you, I can't believe it's still so cold...even for Canada.

Judy - Best wishes on that hamstring...make sure you stretch and drink lots of liquids for the next week. Shorter strides are beneficial to the hammys as well :goodvibes:

Michelle - Awesome run!! Don't forget those beneficial rest days ;) If the quads are a little sore, you might want to hold back from running tonight :)

- Raise the bar girl!! 40 min is no joke and wind is the worst condition to run IMO...good job!! I'm sure you'll be happy with the short hair next weekend in the heat :)

- Don't you hate retiring shoes? I have a closet with a stack of them because I can't get myself to throw them out...amazing how we get so attached to those pieces of leather :) Hope the rest and shoe switch works for you!

Cam - Congrats on completing week 1!! It's so refreshing to see your kind words to everyone...I know you were busy with work for a while, but it's great to see you around so much lately :goodvibes:

Claire - bike, weights, swim...sounds like an awesome Claireathlon was completed yesterday :) Good luck on the short long run today!

Allyson - Yay for completing week 4! Awesome job!

Angie - You are being sooo smart with your training! Very glad to see you held off of the weights this morning...give that back some rest so you can smile pretty for those princess photos next weekend!!

MS Dave - sounds like a nice relaxing day and weekend ahead :rotfl: good luck with everything!

Howard - Why does it not surprise me that you aren't doing much training? LOL

Tracy - I think everyone has had a tough run or two this week! Any thoughts on who is in the coffin?

TX Ang - I think I have a solution...just dip your hair in some kind of ice creamy, chocolaty goodness...then when it gets in your mouth you won't be so bothered by it :rotfl: Thanks for the avatar comment, he makes us smile too...how can you resist that grin!

Krista - How are you?? Any updates to the Hines vs. neighbor issue? Hope your Steelers have a good draft this weekend :)

Stacie - Hello!

Debra - How is the digging going? I keep forgetting to say that I'm amazed at your ability to cover so much of these boards with witty, insightful and meaningful comments...I'm not sure about the whole adoption thing, but it sure is nice to have you around :goodvibes:

Amy - I'm thinking you need to plan some activities for yourself, because you certainly don't have enough to do each day. (KIDDING). Please try and find some time to rest, drink water and map out a touring plan for the upcoming jaunt to Mickey World. On second thought, let's just grab some Mickey bars and Gelato, find a cozy bench in the World Showcase where we can people watch and call it a day ;)

Scott's World - Whew...I must say that I think my typing words per minute has doubled just trying to keep up here! This has to count for some sort of cross training! (and actually a little stressful trying to squeeze in the post before anyone else does!) Anyway...I did 45 minutes on the elliptical last night. Nothing fancy, just straight up listening to the mp3, ellipticizing and sweating up a storm. Tonight I'll do a 5 miler and then squeeze in what I can this weekend. Gonna go to Six Flags on Saturday and then come down and watch the Tour De Georgia finale on Sunday...should be able to workout at the FC and then get a long run in Sunday morning before heading downtown. Then it'll be Minnie Week!! YAHOOO!!

Have a great Friday everyone! Good luck to the weekend racers...stay healthy to the Minnie taperers...and have fun to everyone this weekend!
Happy Friday!

Sorry not able to reply to everyone today. Trying to squeeze this in before getting back to work.

Michelle - WELCOME! This is a great place which I think you've figured out. :goodvibes

Scott - DH is doing a half century ride this year and a full century next year. We love to ride and get this...one of our local bike clubs has a beer ride on Wed nights. Ride then carb up. :rotfl:

Brief update:
Back of my left thigh had been bothering me after Tueday's bad walk so rested it Wednesday and yesterday went for a casual 1.5 mi walk at lunch. Was good to stretch it out but felt it during the uphill. Did pilates last night and feeling much better today. Hoping the rain holds off so can get in 10-15 miles on the bike tonight. Hair appt tomorrow then 6-7 mile walk. That'll be the last of long walks before the Minnie.

Well back to work and finish this day off.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thanks!! I see that you do elliptical sessions; would you recommend them as part of training?? I used to work out a lot on an elliptical in college (as the alternative was a treadmill and I don't enjoy running on them) but I never felt like I got quite as good a work out on that as I did with running. But is there a benefit to training with an elliptical for a marathon? I plan on buying some sort of work out machine to aid my training for the days I can't run outside, but would you recommend a treadmill over an elliptical? I really can't buy both, much as I'd like to! Thanks for the help!


Thanks!! I see that you do elliptical sessions; would you recommend them as part of training?? I used to work out a lot on an elliptical in college (as the alternative was a treadmill and I don't enjoy running on them) but I never felt like I got quite as good a work out on that as I did with running. But is there a benefit to training with an elliptical for a marathon? I plan on buying some sort of work out machine to aid my training for the days I can't run outside, but would you recommend a treadmill over an elliptical? I really can't buy both, much as I'd like to! Thanks for the help!


Michelle - I highly recommend elliptical workouts as part of a solid cross training program to supplement the runs. It is a great non-impact way to keep the HR up as well as get your legs going in that same running like motion. I've found that my pace on the elliptical almost mimics my pace when running. If you find the workouts getting easy on it, just up the level of difficulty (resistance) and it'll get harder to operate.

I don't think I'd replace runs with the elliptical unless I absolutely had to, so that doesn't help with your treadmill/elliptical dilemma...but I will say that a lot of people overlook the importance of XT during training programs. I find that you have to give the body & knees a break from the pavement pounding, but still workout your heart and cardio system to be able to endure the time out there during the long runs.

If it were me...I'd go for the elliptical only because it's easy to adjust runs due to the weather and I myself only hit the treadmill if I absolutely have to. Also if you look at the fact that you could do the elliptical 6 days a week without injury, but would not want to run on the TM 6 days in a week...I think the elliptical would then be more useful.

Hope I didn't just confuse you, I'm not sure if I got across what I wanted to say :rotfl:

Have a great weekend! :thumbsup2
Stacie- The 8.25 went well. It took just under an hour. I feel like I am in good shape for the Hermes 10 Miler tomorrow.

Kevin- Sentanta Sports covers Ligue 1 and I know DirecTv has them. I have DirecTV but don’t pay the extra $ for Setnata. I bought the sports package though to have FSC and GolTV. The French league is good because it has so many of the young players from Africa. Outside of Lyon there is pretty good parity. If the French government ever gets rid of it’s archaic rules that keep clubs from floating themselves publicly the league should pick up. I have a Marseille jersey and also have a Puleta PSG jersey. It will be unbelievable if they get relegated, but it isn’t looking good for them.

Second, I have received my WDW Half finisher’s cert do you might need to contact Disney Sports and see if they have the correct address.
Happy Aloha Friday everyone.

Good going to everyone doing their road work, fitness center work, biking, etc. Keep it up!

Hot weather and VOG limited my run yesterday to 5 miles. That's okay though, we wrapped up the evening with a BBQ. 9 of us in attendance, and lots of laughs to share.

Have a great day all, see you at the waterstops. :yay:
twoWDWfools, thanks for the welcome wishes! you are right, I saw the very first day that this place is friggen awesome :thumbsup2

Michelle - I highly recommend elliptical workouts as part of a solid cross training program to supplement the runs. It is a great non-impact way to keep the HR up as well as get your legs going in that same running like motion. I've found that my pace on the elliptical almost mimics my pace when running. If you find the workouts getting easy on it, just up the level of difficulty (resistance) and it'll get harder to operate.

I don't think I'd replace runs with the elliptical unless I absolutely had to, so that doesn't help with your treadmill/elliptical dilemma...but I will say that a lot of people overlook the importance of XT during training programs. I find that you have to give the body & knees a break from the pavement pounding, but still workout your heart and cardio system to be able to endure the time out there during the long runs.

If it were me...I'd go for the elliptical only because it's easy to adjust runs due to the weather and I myself only hit the treadmill if I absolutely have to. Also if you look at the fact that you could do the elliptical 6 days a week without injury, but would not want to run on the TM 6 days in a week...I think the elliptical would then be more useful.

Hope I didn't just confuse you, I'm not sure if I got across what I wanted to say :rotfl:

Have a great weekend! :thumbsup2

lol Scott, that answered my question perfectly! The way I see it is, I ran for about 10 years in all kinds of weather... snow, heat, cold, rain. So I think once I get into the routine of running/training everyday (and figuring out when to get my runs in in the winter), there will have to be a pretty good reason to keep me from running outside. Given the fact that I really hate treadmills, I'm thinking the elliptical will be helpful because then I'll be able to incorporate other types of workouts in my training instead of just running! Awesome, thanks!!! and you have a great weekend too! :cool2:
Frank: Thanks SO much for the link to Fox Soccer Channel’s web site. DOOD & I both appreciate it! What does it say about football that the places in Pittsburgh tend to be in the young, hip, heavy-drinking neighborhoods? (I can see I need to adjust my lifestyle.) ;) 8.25 < 60 minutes. Sweeeet.

Claire: Ah, the tyranny of collaborative work. Are you sure you trust your partner with the lit. review revision? You're on the grad-school fast track? A two year or less program? Sounds like intensive study, anyway. I wonder how you have time to fit all your training & activities in, let alone a social life. You've probably got a very balanced outlook on life, huh? Especially about the appeal of schoolwork. :rotfl: :thumbsup2

Stacie: Beware of that garage-apartment offer. I've always wanted to be the Fonz. Aaaaaa! It does sound like hydration was a key factor in your 5-miler, and so I'm glad you bagged the run. I think we all need to be aware of hydration issues in the summer (all the time, but you get the idea). But I'm glad you're thinking through things like hydration and the need for new, exciting scenery!!!

Morgan: No yelling, just happy you signed up for that 5K you obviously wanted to do. And Mr. Grumpy--:rotfl2: --has found some additional running motivation, huh? It's great that you're in this together, as I think it makes a big difference to have each other for support, encouragement, and the occasional taunt.

CB Michelle: Oooh, thanks for the name. Don't you just love the way we'll encourage each other to read and research more, not to mention spend more money! :rotfl: That's great news about your run and exceeding your expectations. I'd love to see you run in bridal ears. :cloud9: And the pictures..... I also recommend the elliptical as part of XT and a purchase, although it always seems like I'm chiming in on Scott's posts with a "Me, too." :rolleyes:

Solo Kevin: How are those quads--is the soreness the shoes? FWIW, I'm sure you're more than enough eye candy. Women, we've just got sweet tooths.

Erica: :yay: So glad to see you here, and am super happy I'll get to see you at ToT! How are you recovering?

Amy: Awww, :hug: I'd love to be part of your family. And I could learn to use a litter box if necessary. :scared: Sounds like Wedneday's 5 miler was part of the ugly-taper runs. (That's my theory about such runs, anyway, that they're related to taper.) I hope the rest of your days are like great haircuts: fun, easy to manage, and you get lots of positive feedback!

Heather: Wow, what a great quote; I'm proud to know such an well-spoken, thoughtful woman.

Mel/Dana: Thanks for the advice about not blowing off the base/SRs. I think many of us (me included) need to hear this! I tend to focus on the LRs, placing too much importance on them. Building the base and enjoying the SRs are just as important to my running, and racing, goals.

TXAng: Yep, I love DL. Never went until I moved to Fargo, and then it because economically feasible to fly there instead of WDW. We hope to get back there on occasion, maybe for races. I had a similar reaction to you but in reverse; I was afraid I would be disappointed. But I love them both, feeling there's a nice balance between similarities & differences. I hope and believe you'll feel the same way. P.S. We have two big cats (12 & 15 pounds, after dieting) from the same litter, rescue animals.

In bigger news, :woohoo: for finishing another C25K day!!! You're making such good progress!

Aloha Jeff: So Hawaii is a nice getaway from relatives, and not a vacation magnet? I refuse to believe that! I kind of go by the theory that if one wants to avoid unwanted guests, move to a place no one wants to visit.
:lmao: You know, holding barbecues doesn't make your place any less inviting, either!

Angie: Disney, Disney, Disney, you're going to be in Disney! You're going to meet so many of your WISH friends! You'll be with your family!!! :banana: :cheer2: Does that help you feel any better? I'm also sending PD for your back, and hoping/believing that you're going to have a good race. :hug: P.S. I'm so glad that day off helped break you out of your funk! It so sounds like your new job is the right choice for you.

Bill: You are very wise and articulate. And like Craig, I think you're an integral part of WISH.

Tracy: I didn't watch Lost last night--DOOD was beat & so we went to bed. :sad: Thank goodness for our DVR. *Whew* It'll be a Lost/Battlestar Galactica extravaganza! Good hunting! WTG on your 4 miles! How'd the foam roller work; I'm thinking of investing & I know a couple of people here really like it.

I think Cam is going to want this "Minnie Muffin" off on my own most of the weekend...
:rotfl2: I think you've earned this weekend--I know from Cam's journal just how wonderful you are!!! :flower3: Plus, you deserve an early graduation getaway (even though I suspect this is Cam's way of sneakily getting you some really-early Goofy training)!

MSDave: Those kinds of interview schedules are exhausting, aren't they? The search committees so like to hit clean-up, don't they? I'm sure you didn't repeat yourself too much and, if you did do it a little, they need to hear your talking points. Good luck with the selection process. And I can't believe it, but it sounds like your conference is going to be down-time in comparison! Here's crossing my fingers for some good, stress-free runs for you! P.S. Another set of Happy Birthday wishes to your DW's GM.

Monte: :wave: How are you doing, WISHmate?!

Alyson: That's great news of your success with W4 of C25K. About the ankle, are you stretching afterwards?

Craig: I still think you're pretty integral, and part of a core group of WISHers. And I get the impression that an increasing number of WISHers are fairly active & have been throughout their lives, even if not as runners. (Maybe the demographics has shifted, as I'm new?) But if you'd like to do security detail, I do think you'd look pretty smoking in the uniform. Much better than Kevin Costner. Bleh.

HC Kim: Ooooh, you're hooked on tattoos. If you come up with a good one, let me know. I'm not in the market--um, needles!--but DOOD wants to get a marathon one. He's shopping around. (I'm pretty sure I can nix the Tinker Bell, though.)

Cam: I love the enthusiasm of each post, and think your plan for the 5K & 1/2 is going to be such a motivating & exciting time for you. :cool1: And good news about Jenna's promise ring! It sounds like he'll fit right in. I suppose I'll get over not being adopted by you, seeing as you really take care of everyone in your life so well. And I know you've got me in your thoughts, which means a lot. :love: And, big news, :woohoo: for your first week of C25K. I love hearing that people are using the program and are so successful!!

Jen: I hope your new shoes give you equally fond memories. I think they will, even though you say:
I am so happy to hear of so many people doing Minnie for fun. That is one thing I say I am going to do and then every race is not so much about the fun. I mean, I have fun... just not all the fun I want to have. Does that make sense??
You know why...there are so many cool people who are going to be at the Minnie & you and the rest of Ohana are going to look mah-va-lous!

Carrie: Sorry about your not-so-great-ending run. But hey, you have standards!!! Somebody has to have some and, to paraphrase Aloha Jeff, it might as well be you. (And far better you than me!) I think 40 minutes is awesome.

Judy: Oooh, I hope your hamstring begin to feel better. I don't know what to say about the Advil thing. I wouldn't recommend it for training, so as to not get into the practice, but I defer to the experts about a race day, one-time thing.

Leana: I hope your knee and shins feel all right for your 5K. The description of your chiro poking around made me kind of laugh, kind of wince, though!

Scott: You just don't want to adopt me because you're afraid you'd have to share Amy's cookies. (And you're right to suspect that.) I have to say that I'm always impressed by your WOs, but this weekend I'm also impressed by your plans. It seems to me to be a near-perfect mix of relaxing activities. And going to Six Flags right before Disney--wow, that'll whet your appetite for the "real deal." I've not been to Six Flags in years, but I live near Kennywood amusement park, so I'm thinking of trying it out.

Liz: Take it easy on the leg, as you've been doing. I think the rest & Pilates will help a lot, as do you I'm sure. WTG taking care of yourself.

P.S. General question: How many of you are getting all primped for the Minnie, with haircuts and all? (Amy, Liz....)

As for me: Ooooh, about 6 hours, on and off, today of touring apartment complexes and rental houses. Fun, fun, fun, with a little weirdness thrown in for variety. :crazy2: We may have found an apartment in an upper-floor of a house, but we're not sure. We may have filed a rental application/credit report, or we may have filed a pre-rental application (the promise ring of rental paperwork). The landlord-in-residence has a heavy accent, is hard of hearing, and seemed unsure himself of the process. But the place is beautiful, cheap, and centrally located, so we're going to trust that his "realtor" friend will work us through the process. Meanwhile, we're going to make a back-up list & continue to see properties. I may have real stories next week.

In more important fronts, I did XT today--including the elliptical Scott & Michelle. I didn't do a full WO, as I was going light on my day & we had people to meet. But I felt pretty darn good and am actually looking forward to testing my legs tomorrow. Thank you all for your support, good advice, and the much-needed jack slaps. (And thank you, Princessrunner Lisa, for that term!)
Howard - Why does it not surprise me that you aren't doing much training? LOL

Scott ~ Believe me when I tell you that I would rather be in a position to be training right along with everyone else. I have been going to graduate school full-time since August 2006 and working part-time (20+ hours a week and full-time in the summer). With full-time classes and work, training is quickly and easily cast aside. Sleep, what little there is, is the only voluntary activity for this tired carcass. Once I am finished, I plan on following a marathon training program (complete with XT) into the fall to get ready for MCM and Philly – then Goofy Plus.

I think Cam is going to want this "Minnie Muffin" off on my own most of the weekend...
I think you've earned this weekend--I know from Cam's journal just how wonderful you are!!! Plus, you deserve an early graduation getaway (even though I suspect this is Cam's way of sneakily getting you some really-early Goofy training)!

Debra~ I will be getting away, that is for sure, but I hope I can enjoy it without thinking about the “opportunity cost” of the trip. I am doing everything in my power to get things done early and to study on the 2 hours plane ride there and back.

By the way, I am not sweet… I am one of those whole grain Minnie Muffins.

"Opportunity Cost?' I love it. Careful there, or you may end up hanging out with the finance folks.


Good luck with the flat and with tomorrow's effort. I'm not sure where you two are, so you can share that when I see you next.

Cosi Bella

I know you are (1) young and (2) have a history and experience as a runner, so you will quickly get up to speed, so to say. Do build up gently and don't push your body for a while. Even with your past too-much-too-quickly is likely to put you on injured reserve.

Build with lots of easy runs, and a few shorter and quicker, and longer and even easier efforts. Before you know it you'll be back on form.

Hey all you crazy and wacky people!! (me included)

Today is a rest day for me. I did some Pilates for Dummies and alittle bit of foam roller.

Michelle: Glad to hear you had a nice 3 miles.

Debra: I am always so amazed at how you keep up with everyone and I like that I am included in your posts. :) I like my foam roller so far. It takes some getting use to and it does benefit your abs, shoulders, triceps. Scott asked me who I think is in the coffin (I hope you have watched LOST by now?) Sayed(sp?) says its his wife...I think this flash is a flash future, so not sure. I don't think its the lady he killed in the hotel room on a earlier episode.
Apartment hunting...ugh! I hope you find something you really like.

Take care everyone, trying to stay caught up and my comcast broadband is out. Supposedly a outage in the area, ugh. My dialup speed is 16.8kbps.
Oh, well, take care.
A quick drive by.

Heading out to Talladega early tomorrow morning. Gotta go watch them stock cars go round and round.

See everyone on Monday. :)

Hey Vic - Bring a raincoat or an umbrella. Part of the day up here ain't gonna be that purty. :sad2: Just want ya' to be purpared. ;)
MSDave - Welcome back! I've been lurking occasionally on the Philly thread and know you've had a tough time. Good luck on the interview process, crazy as it sounds! And happy birthday to DW's grandmother.

Carrie - Thank you SO much for your view of us! I truly believe the strength of WISH is that everyone else believes we can do much more than we might believe of ourselves otherwise, and that's what keeps us moving forward each and every day (or, as someone once said. "kind of a magic that lives inside all of us!")

Cosi Bella/Michelle - I bought the TM so I'd have the freedom to run whenever I needed to fit it into the schedule, without worrying about time, weather, or dangers lurking outside. My runs end up being about 50/50 indoor/outdoor.

Debra - I broke the news gently to DH that DOOD is a Chelsea fan. I was afraid he'd disconnect the internet access in the house so I couldn't talk to you any more!

Stacie - If I'm planning on running in the afternoon I have to make a conscious effort to alternate the sweet tea with water. I did such a good job today that I had to stop after 2 miles for a bathroom break!

Kevin/Solo - No, no! Don't lay off preaching the B&S gospel. No one I know is watching the show. I need someone to know why I stay up late (or lately, watch it on the TM on Monday AM!)

Erica - Oh, the hiccups... DD17 spent 3 months solid (or so it seemed) with the hiccups. I still haven't completely forgiven her...

Amy - Do we need to have a hydration reminder? Apparently some of us aren't prepared for warmer weather? HYDRATE, HYDRATE!

Bill - Your comments to Craig were absolutely perfect!

Cam - Yes, it's hard to believe my baby is looking at colleges. (And then there are days when it can't come soon enough!) Congrats to Jenn! Is she still planning on doing the half in January?

My world: Went out this afternoon with the plan to do 3-4 miles. Completed 3.77 in 45:11 for an 11:59 avg pace. I don't think the Garmin completely paused for the above-mentioned bathroom break, so it clocked mile 2 at 12:45 when the others were 11:44, 11:30 & 11:55. I realized halfway through the run that my form is all wrong (which DH has been trying to tell me for 2 years). I apparently put most of the force on my lower legs, so I concentrated on using the upper legs for the bulk of the effort. Suddenly everything got MUCH easier! I doubled the distance between walk breaks and finished the run without anything hurting. Now I'm wondering how much better I'll do if I actually FINISH "Chi Running"...

Allie...HI! Are you loving your Garmin??? I really enjoy mine. I just do the basic stuff. I do love it though.

For me... Ah, I was supposed to do 5 miles yesterday. It really didn't go that well. I bagged it after 3.38 miles. I was so tired and lathargic. I'm pretty sure hydration was my problem. I had only had 1 glass of sweet tea all day long and then at 4:30 I try to do 5 miles. It just wasn't working. I'm going make a conscious effor tomorrow to drink plenty of fluids during the day as around 4:30 or so I'll be going out for my 8 miler. It will be close to 80 degrees too. I'm trying a new route by a river and around a lake. It's close to where I work. I'm hoping the new scernery will help it go by faster.

That's all from me for now!

Happy training...or tapering!

Stacie - Yes I LOVE my Garmin! :love: :love: :love: It takes all the thinking out of running. Since I was no good with the :teacher: in my head. :rotfl2: Sorry you had to cut your run short, but it sounds like it was the best thing. That tea may have dehydrated you too. Especially if it had caffiene.

Thanks guys for the great advice! I've never been "fitted" for running shoes, but I really think this occasion warrants it! I'll keep everyone posted on how that goes! For now, i'll break out the dusty nike's and start from there.

OH! my name! I completely forgot to introduce myself in that respect!

Michelle :cool2:

until tomorrow! (I really need to get some work done!)

CBMichelle (stealing Debra's nickname for ya' ;) ) - :welcome: I can't remember if I had said that yet or not. :confused3 I turned 40 last Friday, and the mind has just gone right out the window. :rotfl2: Actually, it was already half way there before the b'day. :rolleyes1

I can't stress enough how important it is to get yourself "fitted" for the proper shoes. I injured myself early on because I was "too cheap" to buy the proper shoes. Well, I spent the money anyway. I just paid it to the DR. :scared:

I think the :bride: ears are a great idea!!

AL Front (that's me): I ran my first 6 miler yesterday. I did it in 1:20. It was a little off my pace that I am supposed to strive for this month, but I finished and that is what was important to me. Plus, I also ran it at 3:45 yesterday afternoon. Probably not the best time for running a LR. :sad2: I tried the sport beans, but it wasn't as successful as I thought it would be. I'll try again later. May not have eaten enough, or not had enough water to take with them. :confused3 I just can't believe that I ran 6 MILES!!!! :thumbsup2 OH, and I wore a new "real running shirt" that my sister sent me for my birthday. :thumbsup2
Hi guys...

OK...exciting day for me :). I did a 3 mile tempo run followed by 1 mile cool down. I did my 3 miles in 25:11 (yay!!). Just was nice after a really stinky 5 miler the other day. THEN...to make my day wayyy cooler...I saw Dave Navarro at the sushi restaurant I went to. Sorry..I'm such a celebrity freak...that was so cool. And wow...he was pretty short LOL. Isn't that always how it works?

OK...tomorrow I will catch up with everyone. This was ALL about me. Sorry! Hope everyone is doing well :).


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