Driving to Florida soon from Ontario, worried and scared

I can see your fears, understand them and respect that you have them.

But you also have to take into account the area where w were eating. Many people will not leave their porches without carrying a gun of some kind. and with reason. There is a plethora of wild animals here and many would not hesitate to come after or even eat a human or pet. it is just smart to be protected, it is not paranoia of any kind. Having the extra protection against a crazy human is a just a bonus. This particular place does not sell alcohol or drugs but that does not mean that no one was using but then again I would rather have the protection from a crazy and not be forced to hide until help could get there.

I lived in Montana for 6 years. Grizzly bears and such. First, I was never eaten. Neither were my pets. I've never seen someone eat with their gun on (besides a cop).
This did happen a couple years after we left -- also no one eaten:
I do remember we had an officer come up to our table at a pizza place once and tell us to keep an extra eye on our kids because someone hit an elk out front and he was going to go shoot it. But that is the only time I recall a gun/restaurant encounter.

I am not shocked about the area in Georgia and the guns. But it has nothing to do with animals.
I can see your fears, understand them and respect that you have them.

But you also have to take into account the area where w were eating. Many people will not leave their porches without carrying a gun of some kind. and with reason. There is a plethora of wild animals here and many would not hesitate to come after or even eat a human or pet. it is just smart to be protected, it is not paranoia of any kind. Having the extra protection against a crazy human is a just a bonus. This particular place does not sell alcohol or drugs but that does not mean that no one was using but then again I would rather have the protection from a crazy and not be forced to hide until help could get there.

There's a plethora of wild animals in Northern Ontario, too, but the folks there generally leave their guns at home and only take them out if they're going hunting. They don't walk around with pistols on their hips. They certainly don't go to the local diner armed.

Instead, they have bear-proof containers for their garbage. They have big dogs. And if they decide to take their big dog for a walk, they bring a baseball bat (also handy for fending off other people's big dogs, running loose).
May I ask why?
I'm not the poster you quoted, but why does it matter? I mean it in all seriousness. There may be many different reasons why someone chooses to carry, from a survivor of abuse who worries the X may show up to an off duty cop to a marksman who feels it's just an extension of himself, like me putting on earrings.

I grant you if you have never seen someone carrying, it is reasonable to feel uncomfortable. Any time we are in a situation different than whatever are used to that's a normal reaction. Just don't let "uncomfortable" take over.

As for the restaurant, people who are licensed to conceal or open carry understand the gravity and responsibility that goes with carrying. They're not doing it so they can whip it out if there's too much ice in their drink or something.
Well, rather poor timing on my part last night more or less down playing violence in the US. Later last night a large shooting happened around a mile or two from my home on the University of Illinois campus. 1 young man was killed and 5 people wounded. All described as randomly shot, not part of the original fight that happened. No mention yet from the police on who is responsible. I'm guessing most likely it was gang related. Chicago gangs and the drug trade have been making their way to town for awhile now. Shootings have become somewhat common sadly. Who knows though, there could be other reasons for the shooting.

There was even in the paper the other day a mention that police were pleased, there had not been a shooting in 2 months in town. Then last night happened.

This was years ago, but I remember when a Canadian repairman came to our company. He was there to work on a machine for a couple days. On the first night I advised him to avoid the north end of town. That tended to be where most of the crime happened. The next morning when I met the Canadian, he was excited. Instead of listening to my advice, he spent hours driving around the scary part of town at night! We don't have areas like this in Canada. I had to see it he told me. He was telling me all the details of his tour. Made me laugh.

I'm selling the Illinois place, for other reasons than increased crime. Seems my timing to leave town and head south could be good though.

Five shot and one killed at campus party at University of Illinois

Sorry - I've got a cold; I'm doped up and my head is super-fuzzy. I'm sure this is funny - please explain it (asking sincerely here :blush: ).

A poster upthread said lots of people (in their area) carry guns because of wild animals.
I lived in Montana for 6 years. Grizzly bears and such. First, I was never eaten. Neither were my pets. I've never seen someone eat with their gun on (besides a cop).
This did happen a couple years after we left -- also no one eaten:
I do remember we had an officer come up to our table at a pizza place once and tell us to keep an extra eye on our kids because someone hit an elk out front and he was going to go shoot it. But that is the only time I recall a gun/restaurant encounter.

I am not shocked about the area in Georgia and the guns. But it has nothing to do with animals.

I lived in Montana for 5 years as a kid. I loved it. Such beautiful country and that blue sky. There is nothing like it. We lived in Billings right below the airport. It was a great place to be a kid. I did not pay much attention to guns there. My father and brothers all hunted. Guns were common place and respected, not toys. That bear video is pretty neat!
I'm not the poster you quoted, but why does it matter? I mean it in all seriousness. There may be many different reasons why someone chooses to carry, from a survivor of abuse who worries the X may show up to an off duty cop to a marksman who feels it's just an extension of himself, like me putting on earrings.

I grant you if you have never seen someone carrying, it is reasonable to feel uncomfortable. Any time we are in a situation different than whatever are used to that's a normal reaction. Just don't let "uncomfortable" take over.

As for the restaurant, people who are licensed to conceal or open carry understand the gravity and responsibility that goes with carrying. They're not doing it so they can whip it out if there's too much ice in their drink or something.
In all seriousness, I asked the question because I'm curious. The only possible reason I can actually think of is because those who carry really believe they may have need to shoot somebody or something, at any time during the course of the day-to-day routine. But I don't want to presume anything - maybe there are other reasons.
A poster upthread said lots of people (in their area) carry guns because of wild animals.
OK - I was totally reading it wrong. I was trying the make sense of people hunting porcupines for for food - that could actually happen, right? :crazy: No more Dayquil for me...
No, it was a ridiculous question. If you really believe that people are lurking around every corner waiting to blow you away (which is how the OP reads), don't come here.
Yes, it was a legitimate question.
Well first, if your machete or ax is holstered, and you're not smiling at me creepily, why would I think anything about you? If you're just eating your dinner like everyone else, then you aren't any problem at all. Why do you assume that people who carry are ravening monsters who are one tiny tick away from going insane on everyone? People who go into a restaurant with a holstered gun aren't brandishing the weapon at everyone they see, they're just sitting there at the restaurant eating, just like police officers do.

I agree. The people with the open carry guns are definitely not the ones I would be concerned about. It doesn't bother me at all. Driving through a high crime area is a different story. I know many people who have been victims of crimes, so it's a reality in certain areas. There is a lot of gun violence in high crime cities. The people with open carry weapons are no threat whatsoever to me. We have about five guns in our house and know many people who have guns. The guns aren't the problem. I can guarantee that a random mass shooter would think twice if he walked into a room where someone was openly carrying a weapon.
I can see your fears, understand them and respect that you have them.

But you also have to take into account the area where w were eating. Many people will not leave their porches without carrying a gun of some kind. and with reason. There is a plethora of wild animals here and many would not hesitate to come after or even eat a human or pet. it is just smart to be protected, it is not paranoia of any kind. Having the extra protection against a crazy human is a just a bonus. This particular place does not sell alcohol or drugs but that does not mean that no one was using but then again I would rather have the protection from a crazy and not be forced to hide until help could get there.

As someone else posted, we also have wild animals here in Canada but people don't really carry handguns around just in case. And it seems to me, if the animals in your area mean you need to carry a gun when you walk from the porch to the car, why bring it into the restaurant? Keep it in a lockbox in your car. Are you worried the bear is going to follow you into the restaurant?
Please someone correct me if I'm wrong; is it not mandatory for every household in Switzerland to be equipped with a firearm? If so, is it a hand gun or a long gun they have to have? Having never been to Switzerland, is there anyone that can report on whether or not open carry is allowed and if so, do you see a lot of people bearing arms in mundane situations like lunch at a diner?

The Swiss & Israelies are by far the most heavily armed civilians on Earth, though they don't show as such in most statistics since many of the firearms in civilian hands are technically owned by the government. While in the military, the Swiss keep fully automatic assault weapons in the home. Should they choose to keep their rifles after military service (many do, and many do not), the government converts their rifles to semi-automatic.
OK - I was totally reading it wrong. I was trying the make sense of people hunting porcupines for for food - that could actually happen, right? :crazy: No more Dayquil for me...

I agree, it's weirdly phrased. I've had my sleeping pill so my brain power is like yours right now lol
I'm not the poster you quoted, but why does it matter? I mean it in all seriousness. There may be many different reasons why someone chooses to carry, from a survivor of abuse who worries the X may show up to an off duty cop to a marksman who feels it's just an extension of himself, like me putting on earrings.

I grant you if you have never seen someone carrying, it is reasonable to feel uncomfortable. Any time we are in a situation different than whatever are used to that's a normal reaction. Just don't let "uncomfortable" take over.

As for the restaurant, people who are licensed to conceal or open carry understand the gravity and responsibility that goes with carrying. They're not doing it so they can whip it out if there's too much ice in their drink or something.

For me, it's just hard to wrap my head around why anyone would carry a gun. Sure, there are people carrying guns in the towns and cities around me. The difference is, that they are the "bad guys", not the polite couple who just pulled into the Cracker Barrel for a bite to eat.

FWIW I have never noticed anyone carrying a gun in the States, but if I did, it would make me nervous. It's just not what I'm used to.
As someone else posted, we also have wild animals here in Canada but people don't really carry handguns around just in case. And it seems to me, if the animals in your area mean you need to carry a gun when you walk from the porch to the car, why bring it into the restaurant? Keep it in a lockbox in your car. Are you worried the bear is going to follow you into the restaurant?

I know handguns are much more difficult to own in Canada. As for why one would carry a firearm into a restaurant as opposed to leaving a gun in their car, a car is not considered a safe place to store a gun & most advise against it.

Side note, my understanding is that bear spray is proven to be more effective against Grizzlies than a handgun.
For me, it's just hard to wrap my head around why anyone would carry a gun. Sure, there are people carrying guns in the towns and cities around me. The difference is, that they are the "bad guys", not the polite couple who just pulled into the Cracker Barrel for a bite to eat.

FWIW I have never noticed anyone carrying a gun in the States, but if I did, it would make me nervous. It's just not what I'm used to.

I've lived in the US my entire life, and I've never seen a gun being carried in public except by a police officer.


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