This Is Us- Season two

I liked the episode and thought it was a nice balance of sadness and hope. I don't have an issue with Kate screaming for her dog (I'm far past 17 years old and I would scream my lungs out if I heard my dog barking in a burning house). I also don't have an issue with Jack going in and coming back with the dog and family treasures. Yes, I thought it would be impossible for him to go down those stairs, but after all, isn't Jack really a super hero in their memories? A larger-than-life dad, a super man. I'm not saying he had super powers, but he got the family out safely against all odds (and I really couldn't imagine how he was going to get Kate safely out of her room, but he found a way!).

I thought it was beautiful. I couldn't stay up that late last night so I watched it at 5 a.m., before work this morning. The house was silent and it was just me and the dogs. I heard Jack say "Bec" when she was at the candy machine and I had chills down my spine. When she talked about signs that he sent to her on that day every year and she talked about the first year when "Call Me Al" was on the radio (and even on the next station), I was in full blown tears. I recently lost a friend very suddenly and for several days after, my Spotify play list of 500+ songs played "I'm in Heaven" every morning first thing when I got in my car to go to work (to a place where I would see her smiling face every day). So I could totally relate.

I liked how Kate finally realized how much she loves Tobey and how much Jack would have liked him. She opened her heart to him when he saved the day with the video tape. Randall celebrating the Super Bowl because it was his Dad's favorite day. Kevin finally having a talk with his dad about that night (and can you imagine being Kevin, and how you would never, ever feel like the events of the night before the fire could be resolved and/or forgiven?). And Bec - she finally has her kids starting to understand her and forgive her for moving on with her life. I think they are even starting to understand her and Miguel (I know I am ... I was so angry about it at first but walking a mile or so through their memories and what happened... it's actually quite an amazing relationship built out of the mutual love of the same person).

I think this is one of my most brilliantly written shows ever on television. I don't know how long they can keep it up, this pointing one way and then going another thing they do, but I hope it's for a very long time. I need a show that makes me feel as deeply as this one does, from deep sorrow to tremendous joy. All the feels. :goodvibes
Kevin finally having a talk with his dad about that night (and can you imagine being Kevin, and how you would never, ever feel like the events of the night before the fire could be resolved and/or forgiven?).

I can imagine all too clearly. My Dad died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack when I was 26. We were in a fight leading up to his death and I never had a chance to say I was sorry. I know that is why Kevin's scene by the tree hit me the hardest last night. I still feel the way he feels, even now.
I can imagine all too clearly. My Dad died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack when I was 26. We were in a fight leading up to his death and I never had a chance to say I was sorry. I know that is why Kevin's scene by the tree hit me the hardest last night. I still feel the way he feels, even now.
Watched last night. I found it hard to watch. We are dealing with my husband’s mortality right now; he will hopefully be fine, but it all hit too close to home last night. I almost lost him nine years ago while pregnant with our twins, so the subject of becoming a young widow is really tough for me. I was Rebecca losing it in the hospital.

The show is so well done. I actually couldn’t sleep last night because the plot was knocking around in my head.
Watched last night. I found it hard to watch. We are dealing with my husband’s mortality right now; he will hopefully be fine, but it all hit too close to home last night. I almost lost him nine years ago while pregnant with our twins, so the subject of becoming a young widow is really tough for me. I was Rebecca losing it in the hospital.

The show is so well done. I actually couldn’t sleep last night because the plot was knocking around in my head.

You are in my thoughts and prayers :hug:
I watched last night. Even though I had read through this thread yesterday and knew the spoilers, I still cried like a baby.

It wasn't so much the actual death that got me, it was the adult Big Three at the end when they each had their "moment." When Kate was telling Toby that her dad would have really liked him, when Kevin was at the tree telling his dad he would one day make him proud and when Randall was doing the lizard funeral - that is when I really broke down crying.
Watched last night. I found it hard to watch. We are dealing with my husband’s mortality right now; he will hopefully be fine, but it all hit too close to home last night. I almost lost him nine years ago while pregnant with our twins, so the subject of becoming a young widow is really tough for me. I was Rebecca losing it in the hospital.

The show is so well done. I actually couldn’t sleep last night because the plot was knocking around in my head.

Praying for your husband, and your whole family
I thought it was a good episode. Not as heart wrenching as I thought it would be, I think because we knew Jack was going to die in this episode. Actually, for me, the episode before this one when we saw the crockpot start the fire was more heart breaking to me. I shed more tears during that episode than the most recent one.

I thought Mandy Moore was excellent as far as her acting in this episode. I can believe that she would be in total complete shock and take a bit of the candy bar. She never saw his death coming. He was fine just a few minutes before.

I LOVED Randall preparing for the Superbowl party and his exchange with Beth - hilarious. And then I was moved when he was speaking about Mr Giggles' death and remembering his father.
I think it's completely idiotic to go back in for the dog.

When I saw the social worker at the end I thought "is that actress Beth's sister in real life" because holy crap she looked like Beth to me. Then it was adult Tess!

I liked the episode. It didn't make me cry but I enjoyed it.
I didn't cry. I knew he was going to die due to the fire, it was just finding out how--didn't think it would be in the house, thought it would be due to smoke inhalation. Thought it was interesting how they were in the ambulance and Rebecca says something like "it's just a house" as she is holding the bag of treasures that Jack saved. Sure the items will somehow come into play or may have already--the tape, the box with the notes.

I thought the episode was well written for the most part. Some of the fire scenes didn't seem very realistic--like how he emerged from the house with the dog with so few burns. I can see him stopping to grab items--when in those types of situations people do things that don't make a lot of sense later on--and once he grabbed the first item, it would make sense to him to grab more.

The hospital scenes were very well done. The doctor giving clues during the exam in the hospital--not too swollen, wish your heart rate would go down (when he said that something clicked about heart failure in my mind), need more tests. Jack's statement about loving the girl that loved the dog. How Rebecca was so unaware of what was going on with her husband while she was at the vending machine/on phone. I can totally see her eating the candy bar--it was open and in her hand and she was in "eat" mode and not expecting the doctor to come and see her. It could also have been a defense mechanism--if I keep eating this candy bar then what he is going to say isn't real. (I think she knew the minute he asked her to sit down that he was going to tell her something bad.) I can also relate to how she would react when she returned to the room, hoping the doctor was wrong. Seeing her husband in the bed, laying as he was, would stop her in her tracks for the time being, as she processed that what the doctor had said was true.

I heard Bec, too. Realistically, it would have been hard for her to have actually heard him, considering the location of the room and how many "corners" his voice would have had to travel to reach her. Maybe that was her first sign from Jack.

The way the family dealt with Jack's death every year was interesting, too. Such different responses, all done by each individual. Loved the twist with the little boy waiting for foster parents and then Deja showing back up! Loved how Toby took care of the situation with the tape and Randall's funeral for the lizard. When Kevin was eyeing the wine bottles, and then was by the tree, I was wondering if he had a bottle with him or not. Interesting that Miguel stays away for most of that day--looking forward to some scenes showing his relationship with Big3 and marriage to Rebecca.

Clothes the kids were given by Randall's girlfriend--I would imagine she gathered items from her home (mom, dad, siblings). It wouldn't have made sense for Miguel to go looking for Kevin, how would he know where to look? Kate probably made enough calls to find out his location.

So many places the show can go now--flashbacks, flash forwards, current day.

And, that is the last of my ramblings! Looking forward to tonight's episode.

I heard Bec, too. Realistically, it would have been hard for her to have actually heard him, considering the location of the room and how many "corners" his voice would have had to travel to reach her. Maybe that was her first sign from Jack.

It wouldn't have made sense for Miguel to go looking for Kevin, how would he know where to look? Kate probably made enough calls to find out his location.


Yes, I think Jack was already done when we/she heard Bec.
Kate did know where Kevin was, she told Rebecca on the phone that she found out they were at a party in the woods.
I had a talk with my son's girlfriend today about the show. They don't follow any of the threads where people are dissecting the show, and she cried through the whole thing. She said that they weren't too sure what was going to happen, though they realized that the fire had something to do with it. So, they were surprised when he came out only to have a heart attack in the hospital. They also picked up on 20 years in the future, and are wondering if the show is now going to also include those scenes.

I thought her and my son's takes were interesting.
I was another one that didn't cry too much. But I think I would have been bawling if Rebecca would have been in the room with him when he died. I'm glad they spared us of that. But it makes me sad that Jack died with doctors and nurses and not anyone from his family. That being said, I think tonight will be crushing.
I can imagine all too clearly. My Dad died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack when I was 26. We were in a fight leading up to his death and I never had a chance to say I was sorry. I know that is why Kevin's scene by the tree hit me the hardest last night. I still feel the way he feels, even now.

I was 15 when I unexpectedly lost my dad that way and he missed most of my big moments. I am an only child. I did find a great guy that I married who in a lot of ways reminds me so much of him. Unfortunately we do not have kids just the dog and due to various issues we are not very close to his family.


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