How close are you to your breaking point?

So I have a question for those not visiting friends & family, do you plan until there is a vaccine or cure before you see them again?

Just to add as to why I will start visiting friends and family. Especially when the stay at home order is lifted. This whole social distancing was to flatten the curve so hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. overwhelmed hospital leads to unnecessary deaths. You can’t stop this virus. Most, if not all of us, will get it. You can’t stop that unless you stay locked in the house for the next few years and hope a vaccine is found. There’s no guarantee we will ever have a vaccine. I’m not going to go years with not living any type of life.
Why is it so hard to listen to the medical experts on this? And several hosts and politicians on TV pushing for a reopening, ARE putting profits over people. Some have pretty much said that out loud.
See? Couldn't help yourself.

I didn't say they should just throw all caution to the wind. There is a lot of space between keeping everything "non-essential" completely shuttered and just throwing caution to the wind and opening everything like before.
See? Couldn't help yourself.

I didn't say they should just throw all caution to the wind. There is a lot of space between keeping everything "non-essential" completely shuttered and just throwing caution to the wind and opening everything like before.

See what? If you're not a host or politician pushing instant re-opening, there's no need for you to get defensive. I'm not a medical "expert" but I'm listening to the epidemiologists on this.
So I have a question for those not visiting friends & family, do you plan until there is a vaccine or cure before you see them again?

No. Our state is starting to let up on some of the restrictions. The weather is beautiful. And outside is a good thing. I won’t see them all together because that is just too many but will see them separately.

I do plan to see my oldest son and his family this weekend. We will stay on the patio and social distance. No hugs and kisses but lots of “I love you”s and blown kisses to dgd.

And tomorrow my oldest two granddaughters and their dad will come to visit. We are doing some painting and flower planting and spending a lovely day outside.

Lastly we plan to go down and meet Dd at the beach in Biloxi to just walk and visit and put our toes in the sand.
Why is it so hard to listen to the medical experts on this? And several hosts and politicians on TV pushing for a reopening, ARE putting profits over people. Some have pretty much said that out loud.
This is from my area:

jump to 4:33 into the video in which it discusses the protests in our area. I appreciated the information the health professional in this video had on the multiple topics but his words that I took to heart in respects to the protests and one that I think gets lost sometimes is he very plainly laid out that his viewpoint was based science, infection and illness standpoint without respects to the economy but that we have to weigh out the science, the economy along with mental health awareness and other things.

One can still say "hey it's too early from this viewpoint to reopen" but concede that it is a specified area one is talking about instead of considering many variables and factors. When you discuss opinions with citizens you'll find that many people are concerned about a variety of things in their life. That is IMO completely ok to do so.
Ive reached my breaking point when this all started--I knew it was going to be a very long time before anything would be moving again--so far were locked up until may 26 we need 14 straight days of no new cases and I dont see that happening either--

Im just tired of exicting and not living--all we do is eat sleep and breath next day same as the first-and repeat--once in awhile we can go to the store need food at some point
So I have a question for those not visiting friends & family, do you plan until there is a vaccine or cure before you see them again?
I had answered this on another thread. Eventually I will get to a point where I will accept the risk that being in close contact with my family or friends will have. I don't know when that will be but I am confident in saying it won't be for the vagueness that is "when a treatment or when a vaccine occurs" (that's what I said on another thread).

Honestly part of what is in the back of my head affecting me is the unknown of when I will be at the point of doing things I did before. I suspect I'll just know when I'm read to take the leap but at this point the looming thing in my mind is "when will I feel comfortable to do this or that".
So I have a question for those not visiting friends & family, do you plan until there is a vaccine or cure before you see them again?

Treatment and testing. That is what we need. There will probably never be a cure and there may never be a vaccine.

I'm not visiting friends and family because they are not comfortable breaking the guidelines and neither am I. My husband's 93 year old grandmother is recovering from the virus now.

When we are all ok with it we will get together.
This is one of the MANY reasons that I dislike the saying, "we are all in this together" that is plastered everywhere!!

In my opinion, we most definitely are NOT! (I have no problem with the SAH order and believe it is necessary. I know once the order is lifted, I will still be staying at home. We are doing great, fantastic really.)

But, we are so NOT in this together and the fact that not all homes are safe and happy homes are a prime example of that. Some folks have lost their jobs/businesses forever while others still work full time either at their office or home. Some folks are waiting in long lines at food banks to feed their families, while others have plenty of food and plenty of money to buy more food. Some, like myself live in the country on many, many acres of land, so going for long walks and not seeing anyone is easy. Others live in apartments in the city with all of the parks around them closed.

So while everyone is dealing with the virus one way or another, so many are on opposite ends of the spectrum, so to me personally, it doesn't feel like "we are in this together", as some people are suffering in heartbreaking situations and others like myself aren't really suffering at all.
And on a less serious spectrum, a lot of ppl have a lot less challenging situations then others. I by no means have it the worst, but DH is essential & goes into work everyday leaving me home alone with a 2 yr & but I have to try to work from home. I love having more time with DS, but it’s sucks I have to try to work. I have relatives with older kids or no kids & they’re enjoying their time off & cleaning their houses & turning their backyards into a summer oasis. So yeah, I’m over it, while other ppl may not find it to be so bad.
Just to add as to why I will start visiting friends and family. Especially when the stay at home order is lifted. This whole social distancing was to flatten the curve so hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. overwhelmed hospital leads to unnecessary deaths. You can’t stop this virus. Most, if not all of us, will get it. You can’t stop that unless you stay locked in the house for the next few years and hope a vaccine is found. There’s no guarantee we will ever have a vaccine. I’m not going to go years with not living any type of life.
That’s how we feel too. I am not anxious to go In public, but our family has gotten together in small
groups on occasion. My sister is a nurse & everyone she has talked to at various hospitals around town said things are much better. We don’t see anyone who would put us at risk (like sister a nurse & bil police officer), but everyone we know has been serious about guidelines in public & we see them. No hugs/touching etc, but imo there is no difference in seeing them this week or in month as far as a threat of the virus.
by no means have it the worst, but DH is essential & goes into work everyday leaving me home alone with a 2 yr & but I have to try to work from home. I love having more time with DS, but it’s sucks I have to try to work.

One of my best friends is in this scenario, it's hard. She has to continue to provide online education for her class, all while juggling 3 boys at home with their own school demands, fighting for laptop time, keeping video conference schedules straight -- she's working harder from home than she normally does at work
It definitely is a two way street. My child has ripped up an entire basement carpet and is installing Pergo. Painted the walls last week. Taking classes. Missing friends. Missing their very independent life 6 hours away. They are very competent and fully functional. And so very gracious.

We are all going through changes. Me treating them to special meals isn't going to ruin them. I do the same for my husband. He does the same for me. I woke up to a tray of coffee and biscuits this morning. It's a wonderful thing to go out of your way for the ones that you love. I feel fortunate to be able to use this time to do so. It will all be over soon.
Understood, but your characterization of dynamics different than yours as "sickening" is a little uncalled for. Families can function happily in different ways.
I don't know when we'll start our "regular" visiting family again, but certainly not now. (I say "regular" because I did attend "COVID-19 social distancing approved" funeral services and so I did technically see some family, but we were all wearing masks, there were only a few of us, and we all stood apart from one another, so it was no way a typical family gathering experience.)

My youngest had a birthday this past weekend and he missed out on all of his original plans, but he still had a good day. His grandparents made a front porch drop-off of his gift and any other gifts he received were shipped to him. Then we zoomed the singing of Happy Birthday and opening of gifts with family so that we could all be safe in our own homes.

When it's all over we'll do something special to celebrate all of the family birthdays we've missed.


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