this is such a sad sick world

OMG, so you see the NYPD sitting on their butts not working??? Wow, just wow and how do you know this??? Any proof?

That one was a hypothesis of mine, as I saw the crime go up, almost to the day the Mayor announced the $1 Billion budget re-allocation. The police have been known to stage "sick outs" which is them basically not showing up for work, or in this case, where they needed to be. I did however see an interview by some NYPD who did say they were frustrated, feeling their hands were tied, that if they used force in rightful situations, they might be dinged for that. So, they haven't acted when they may have. The last couple days, the shootings have gone down. So, it seems like the NYPD are figuring things out.
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I know how to turn this back into a drinking game thread. Anytime you see the word “wow” :drinking1
I was going to suggest the multiple punctuation marks also, but someone beat me to it.
Nothing to hide! It's my God given right to express my opinion, just like everyone else on here. And sorry, but I am not hateful, never have been but that's what people like you do when someone has a difference of opinion, start with the insults. It's OK, believe what you want to make yourself feel better. Pray for NYC, it needs it!
Actually, your "God given right" doesn't extend to a message board. The owners of the board get to decide whether you can express your opinion. Same with your employers. THEY get to determine what you're allowed to say at work. Businesses you frequent get to decide what you say on their property. If you truly had a "God given right to express your opinion", they couldn't do that.
Was the mayor elected a month ago? How has crime been over their entire term? NYC is generally a very low crime city so even a small uptick might just be noise.

Crime has so many influencing factors that I would severely caution anyone to reading too much into small (less than 1 year) data sets. For example, Chicago always sees a spike in shootings the first warm weekend of the year. If that weekend happens to be earlier than the year before, you might see a spike in year over year data due to that.
I guess I'll answer my own questions.

De Blasio has been mayor since January 2014.
Data by year is available here:

Comparing 2013 year end data to 2019:
Seven major felony offenses: 111,335 vs 95606 (-14.1%)
Non-Seven major felony offenses: 57650 vs 51484 (-10.7%)
Misdemeanor offenses: 359350 vs 256038 (-28.7%)
Violation offenses: 61037 vs 73477 (+20.4%)

You can drill down in the numbers further and see positives and negatives but I'm not seeing a city that is running out of control under his leadership. 👍
Are murders the ONLY crimes that can be committed?? Look at the NYPD article that has been posted a few times!
Make up your mind. Earlier when I posted the stats and said some crime is down you responded with "But shootings are up!!!!" Now when I post about murders being down you say what about other crimes.

You keep mentioning the NYPD "article". Have you actually looked at the stats? ALL felonies and misdemeanors have been on a steady decline since 2000.
Yes, we need to bring all the food posts back in. This was entertaining. I'm hungry now.
Since we went all junk food yesterday tonight there will be turkey meatloaf stuffed with spinach and cheddar, golden mashed potatoes and fresh green beans.
Since we went all junk food yesterday tonight there will be turkey meatloaf stuffed with spinach and cheddar, golden mashed potatoes and fresh green beans.
Hasselback chicken with spinach and Boursin cheese and baked zucchini sticks.
Your post sounds earnest. I think you've honestly been taken by surprise by all of this tumult. It's easy to say that you shouldn't be surprised, but the elements foreshadowing this current climate are sometimes easier to ignore.

was some of it right--no-- but way back in time they did what they thought was right for that time--but things happened
I think most good people can agree that indulging and expanding the institution of slavery is our country's original sin. The nations stole the entire lives value from tens of millions of human beings. That's a lot to yada yada past with a "but things happened".

statues are being taken down or destroyed--even disney is changing some of there classic rides that have been around since the beginning
Please keep in mind that most of those statues were not put up before or during the civil war but 100 years later in response to the civil rights movement. Think about that. 100 years after the confederate defeat, confederate states started putting statues up to celebrate the generals of their traitor army. Why would we do this?
Why would we, as a people, allow this back then?
Why should we remain complicit with those dead strangers who came before us in protecting a past that still hurts our contemporary friends?

Hall it history, but statues are 99% of the time erected to honor or celebrate their subject.

well my word the protesters that came out of the woodwork were insane!!!
For years now, quiet and peaceful protests have gone ignored or mischaracterized and punished. Quietly taking a knee, for example, to draw attention to a real injustice has lost people their careers. A right my grandfather died in a German ditch to protect.

sad sick world
It is. It has been for a long time. I would like to believe that the current struggles are a just painful symptom of healing. I don't believe that, but compared to some of the things I have seen people believe, it's not so far flung.
Since we went all junk food yesterday tonight there will be turkey meatloaf stuffed with spinach and cheddar, golden mashed potatoes and fresh green beans.
We have a friend who is a commercial fisherman and he came home Thursday with some incredible Red we got a couple of pounds (except that his scale is messed up because I'm sure he gave us at least 3 1/2-4 poinds).

Last night, we had snapper grilled with onions and peppers (and garnished with OLIVES of course), with Yukon Gold mashed, wedge salad, and some healthy green stuff. YUM.

Actually going to have some more of that tonight!
We well know about forced labour. There are as I noted memorials and plaques and artistic honourings all around the country. Just around the Reichstag alone along with the holocaust memorial there are memorials to the Sinti and Roma, and a very well done memorial to 'homosexuals persecuted under Nazism' (along with memorials to those killed trying to escape the DDR, which is another thing we discuss and remember) Every major city in Germany has a permanent museum to discuss what happened. The documentation centre in Munich is very clear of why that city embraced National Socialism, and there are pictures with faces clearly displayed, and names, so that we can see our own people who participated.

The museum to resistance in Berlin doesn't just show who resisted, or why it wasn't easy, but talks about the lack of resistance amongst much of the population.

It's virtually impossible to walk anywhere in Germany without seeing something that acknowledges our recent past (both the times of National Socialism, and what came after ie the times of the DDR) We are fully aware and we acknowledge this in literature, television, film, museums, memorials, and random street art.
And since that poster brought up IG Farben, here is the memorial on that site.

It is really difficult to avoid in daily life what happened in our recent past, and using Germany as a bad example is quite laughable when we are generally seen as one of the best for acknowledging our past. We've moved beyond the generation born at the end of the war who used to say 'why am I to blame? I wasn't born then!' to my generation and younger, who have this as part of our lives.
So very true, bavaria. Those memorials remind people of a very sordid, evil past time in your country's history, not a glorified time. They were created to give people the ability to learn about those in your country who caused so much suffering and death for so many years as well as their victims. Many statues here in our country memorialize and hold up to praise people who were traitors and enemies of our country, fighting for the evil cause of maintaining slavery in the United States. Those atrocities in Germany and surrounding countries that occurred 80 years ago under Hitler's regime should never be forgotten, but rather the memories of them forever present to remind current and future generations what can happen if a country slowly slides into autocracy and evilness.

My wife and I visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC back in 2010. We had reservations for, I think, 10 AM. We thought we would be there about 2 hours. We came out at about 4 o'clock, 6 hours later, completely drained emotionally, and probably physically also. It is something we will never forget. I think it accomplished its goal, educating us and memorializing the victims of an autocrat's hate.

Skokie, a couple towns over from us, has the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, similar to the one in DC, on a smaller scale. Similar experience.

I don't think I get the same feeling or thoughts when I see a statue of General Lee or Jefferson Davis, read something about Fort Bragg or Andrew Jackson. I wonder.....why is that there, why is that named as such. What is the purpose?

Just a few of my thoughts.
I think you misunderstood the point. That poster didn't use Germany as a bad example of anything, laughable or otherwise.

The German industrial war machine, often complicit with the horrors of WWll, was allowed to continue afterwards and be part of the necessary rebuilding of continental Europe.

No contentious statues to tear down today but certainly no squeaky clean legacy either.

ford family
I fully admit to having capitulated to opiods, if I misunderstood, and apologies for any rambling.

IG Farben was broken up after war back into the original entities. The occupying Americans wanted to ensure that the economic devastation caused by the Treaty of Versailles, which in turn let to making the situation ripe for the rise of National Socialism, was avoided. Therefore the 'denazification' occurred and the economic miracle was allowed to begin based on existing infrastructure. The outcome is what we see today ie Germany being a global leader, both economically as well as politically.

It's not black and white - look at the case of Adidas for example. They made shoes for Jesse Owens, which put them in a bad spot with the Nazis. Then they joined the party to sell more shoes, and post war the company split because the brothers felt each denounced the other. As Karin says, there is no 'good/bad' in this, just a lot of grey in most cases.

I do think that it is time for other countries to examine their participation. Also as Karin points out, it's not as simply as 'the Netherlands = good'. Many countries were complicit, including Portugal which claimed neutrality but was a haven for both sides, or Canada which had a policy of not accepting Jewish refugees (and has since apologised) Many countries in eastern and central Europe aided in the deportation and extermination of Jews because it solved their 'problem'.

Seventy five years may have passed, but it will still take a long time to acknowledge what occurred during that time, on all sides.


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