I think I should be ashamed of myself

Nor have I ever thought about anyone and their scooter! :mad:

Just because you judge people by the way they took doesn't mean others do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's absolutely outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well Maggie....
I have been big.. and big and fat.. and I have to be honest. I was treated FAR differently when I was 345 than 235.
I have seen that disgusted look more times than I care to remember. A lot of people won't even look you in the eye.
Is it right? no... did it hurt? like crazy.....
But it did happen....
Yeah right SAFFRON, WHATEVER!!!!!!

BTW, I am not judging her. Jamie has some great qualities. She is supporting 2 kids, has her own apartment, helps her mother and father, and has a job. I just want her to be healthy and be able to enjoy life and not have to sit on the sidelines.

I am just saying normal people have normal thoughts!

Don't hate me SAFFRON. You know I still love ya! after all we were the only 2 that protested the DISCARS:D
Someone asked where/why some of us thought men wanted women with less meat on their bones.....well, when we are TOLD that by a SO that we thought loved us for who we are. THAT is how we know. Of course, maybe one day, I will find my "prince-charming"
JAMSMOM---You will find your prince someday. You were screwed over. And honey what goes around comes around! So you hang in there!
I've judged people who are overweight, not because they are overweight but how they choose to present themselves. If someone is dressed sloppy, regardless of their size, I automatically think they don't care enough about themselves to look presentable. I do recall you being very angry at me, mhopset, for this very thing one time (think lady in pink!)

I'm not proud of that fact, but its true. I think we all judge people to some extent. I can safely say I have NEVER judged anyone riding a scooter or in a wheelchair though.
LOL snoops Pink Lady seems to follow us everywhere doesn't she

BTW thanks for telling the truth and not hiding. Glad to see you have some nads!
I'm a 1/4 American Indian. . . but I don't see that as an excuse to be a racist. .

Being disgusted or disapointed with the behavior of someone you love is one thing. . .and perhaps someone meeting you would judge you by how you look- I'm not even saying that's a terrible thing. .

But if someone knew and loved you, but then ran and hid because they were embarrassed to have people they don't know and love see them with you. . well, personally I think that's beneath contempt. .
Alex -- I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, I know it does. I've seen lots and lots of times and I've been a victim of it . I've seen people at school be left out of groups and social events because of their size or for other physical reasons. I actually saw a young, blind woman be laughed at by a group of young adults because she couldn't figure out if the door was right in front of her or a distance away! :mad:

What I'm outraged about is Tony's statement that we ALL look at people and make a judgement about the way they look. We ALL don't! I know for a fact I don't!

Well Tony, I'm not so sure you would have protested with me if you knew I was streaking the DISCars with a less than perfect body!! :eek:
Originally posted by mhopset
NOW LAURA----I will tell you the same thing I told Kath. You know better than that.

No, actually, I guess I don't know better than that.

People are not overweight because they like it, because they don't care, or because they're lazy. If it were so easy to be thin, obesity wouldn't be one of the worst problems in this country.

Prejudice isn't limited to race and religion. There is a lot of prejudice against weight, the only difference is that it comes from all races, religions and genders, and I deal with it on a constant basis.

Who are you to judge someone else unless you've been in their shoes. You don't know what their life is like, what their problems are, how their mind is.

Of course, you're entitled to express your opinions. But freedom of speech comes with responsibility for what you say. Others are just as free to disagree. I found your comments offensive and I'm offended by them.

I wish I had never seen this thread and I wish it would go away.
I dont mean to be judgemental! I am human I'm sorry. Maybe I came across as judgemental, but I think a few of you are reading things into it.

Maybe I just don't think like everybody else. I guess that is what makes me an individual.

So sorry if I hurt anybodys feelings I didn't mean to.

BTW, I just ordered a pizza anyone want a slice? Double cheese and pepproni, half musrooms.

Peace offering. I will just keep my thoughts to myself from now on.:D
mhopset -

I will admit that I have thought less than pleasant thoughts about others and not just on weight issues. I have never questioned (mentally or otherwise) whether anyone who is in a wheelchair is really handicapped. I have heard stories of people abusing wheelchairs at WDW, but have not encountered this personally. Which quite frankly, if people do do this it is appalling.

I will admit that I have wondered about some people who have parked in HC parking spaces or used an ECV cart in stores. Unfortunately, I have personally known people who have abused both. Neither one of the individuals I knew were handicapped, they were just lazy and felt that they were "entitled", although they could never explain why.

As humans, none of us are perfect. I really don't believe that anyone has can say they have never thought or said negative or hurtful things about someone else at one time or another.
Yes Tony, we all think differently, that's why we are all individuals. I don't judge people by the way they look. I just simply don't. My mother taught me not to when I was young and it's just stuck with me. She doesn't judge anyone by the way they look either. Obviously neither does her brother, my uncle. :) My father on the other hand judges everybody by the way they look. :rolleyes: I found him very frustrating when I was growing up. :p

Thanks for the peace offering Tony, I accept but I have to pass, I'm on a diet. ;) :p
Feelings are what make us human. We can all disagree with someone's feelings, but that doesn't mean that they are wrong. We are all entitled to feel what we feel and think what we think without being judged. This is what make the human race different from our furry friends. :)
I don't agree with your thoughts about this Tony, but I do admit to having negative thoughts now and then.
And I'm very glad you didn't say them to her, but she probably knows.
I do think it took a lot of guts and trust in us to admit them here.
Okay, I rarely post but this one seems important.

I have been a bit big, but not so much now. I've lost a bunch due to an illness, I hope I can maintain it and get healthy too!

Anyway... is it possible that when we judge a large person we are projecting our own fears? Is it possible that we use the physical appearance to quantify other concerns? It sounds like this is what this is about, and the feelings are valid, if a bit convoluted.

I have to admit to this bias. I didn't even know I had it until I met my husband. We met online and he said he wasn't quite a hunk, but prehaps a chunk. I am so glad I met him online because I am not sure I would have given him a chance had I just met him in person before I learned how beautiful he was, how gorgeous his voice was...

Changed my view of many people I meet now... I want to know about whatever is inside of whatever container! Oh, and my husband actually turned out to be so handsome.

If your concern about your niece is perhaps really about lifestyle and self esteem issues, I am no psyciatrist, but maybe persuing those avenues is the way to help her. I get the feeling her size is the symptom not the cause.

I am glad you posted this... got us thinking.


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