It's a New TCD Trip Report- June 2010 at the Fort!

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YAY and Thanks for the fireworks photos. We'll be there next Tuesday evening doing one of our fave activities in all of Disney World - the fireworks and Water Parade from the beach! So glad to hear they have the new narration running loud and clear at the Fort!

I say - keep 'em coming!

More is coming your way.


That tanker was removed on 3/ this Friday it will be 3 solid months it has sat in that same spot. I suppose it is promising it hasn't been hauled away to the scrapyard or behind the old roundhouse. Maybe a refurb will come in time.

In that same time period, they were able to complete the calliope project and the very important bulk jelly bean dispenser project at the Meadow Trading Post. What the heck? Let's get that tanker wagon back!

Dog gone it!!! I was doing okay for a while there about us not being able to go to Florida this year and start posting a Fort Wilderness trip report!!!
Have to say though, that I always look forward to them anyway. Continue posting and I will contend with my envy.
Early in the morning on Saturday, June 12, I found myself heading down toward the old River Country entrance. One thing I noticed is that the roof needs to be cleaned off. I am no expert on building maintenance, but I am pretty sure it's a bad thing when plants start to grow on you roof:



As you might have noticed in my previous photos, there is no one around this morning. I have the place all to myself:




So, using some new secret technology which involves the use of a broom stick, string, duct tape, chewing gum and paper clips, along with some other proprietary items, I was able to snap these photos.

This is the old picnic area that is concealed by the big green fence.

I used my powers of observation and deduction to determine this based on the preponderance of picnic tables in this location:



Here's a close up of the survey stake that DisCamper previously photographed:


And a couple of more picnic tables for good measure:



Here we see the remains of a stage area. There is an old Disney sing-a-long video called Campout at Disney World which shows a performance from the stage here. It doesn't look so good anymore:



Here we see some evidence of some recent clearing. This sand is the old beach area:



This is another survey marker, and in the distance, you can see some blue tanks that have been placed here for some reason:




Looking past these tanks, toward Bay Lake, you can see that there is a pump sitting on top of a cinder block, with pipe extending out into the lake:


Here is a closer look at the tanks:




There are a few white tanks off to the side:


This was an elaborately constructed wooden wall. As you can see, it fell down quite some time ago:


Another shot of the tanks:


Aerial photos from January, 2010 show these tanks to have been in place back then, but there is still a work trailer and construction debris here:


At about 7:30 am, water began to pump in to those tanks from the top pipes that you see in these photos.

I have no idea what these tanks are doing here.

There are no fish or plants or anything in the tanks.

They just apparantly pump lake water into the tanks, and it drains back into the lake.

It looks like some kind of weird experiment.

I think this pretty much confirms that this area is being turned into a DVC property.

Next up . . .

More River Country pics!!

Awesome report TCD! Thanks for always coming through with good information and updates.

I'm guessing that since these blue tanks are tied to the lake, they are there to monitor bacteria growth in the lake?? Just a guess...
You have stumbled on to a hydroponics garden started by some creative cast members to grow "herbs." Watch your back, TCD.

Actually, I have a feeling if we could figure out the purpose of these tanks, it would all fit in with the survey stakes and eventual use of River Country. Surely with the diversity of people we have on this camping board, somebody knows what this is all about.
You have stumbled on to a hydroponics garden started by some creative cast members to grow "herbs." Watch your back, TCD.

Actually, I have a feeling if we could figure out the purpose of these tanks, it would all fit in with the survey stakes and eventual use of River Country. Surely with the diversity of people we have on this camping board, somebody knows what this is all about.

I'll ask one of my old college buddies, he's sure to know !!!
:rolleyes1 :hippie:
Early in the morning on Saturday, June 12, I found myself heading down toward the old River Country entrance. One thing I noticed is that the roof needs to be cleaned off. I am no expert on building maintenance, but I am pretty sure it's a bad thing when plants start to grow on you roof:



Unless you a "green guy" like Al Gore.:rotfl:
TDC so now I know not to go at 5-6pm but more am time good to know.
That looks like a nice GC trailer in last pics
What do you mean, you can't read it all? Let's get with it here. Get your priorities straight. We have a long way to go, so get on board


Well I had to go to sleep so I could get up and save lives today, They kinda want ya on your toes at work:thumbsup2 and they have been running my but off today. I am caught up now and will do my best to keep it that way:lmao: I am thouroughly enjoying your TR and take my job as a DISmember seriuosly so I will not let you down again:cheer2:
Now...I don't even pretend to know anything about surveying or drainage studies, but, is it possible the blue tanks are part of a perk test to see how quickly water drains from the land? :confused3

As usual, TCD, an OUTSTANDING report!!! We were at the Fort Memorial Day weekend, but never went into the MK. So I am glad you gave an update about the changes in the boat landings. I don't like it one little bit!!! Or the stripping of the big horn!! FtWGuy? We're counting on you to have a chat with Bobby!!
. . .i am not liking the dock change at all. the poor GF snobs were probably getting sunburned as they waited on their boat. in august, that wait is going to be BRUTAL, not to mention WET on rainy days. i used to feel SORRY for those people and now that will be us! grrr

Yeah, I think it sucks. The Floridian/Polynesian people can always get on the monorail if it's storming out or if it's too hot. They have this alternate transportation available to use but not us poor folk at the campground. We have the longest route on the boat and they put us on the one that has the least protection. Let's hope this is only temporary or it will really suck in the winter time. Can you imagine standing out waiting for the boat at 10pm when it's raining and 40 degrees and then you have to get on the open air boat and get drenched and frozen before you get to the campground.
Do you think that they are testing the water for to study that bacteria stuff (sorry, I forget what its called) for river country or do you think its for a dvc property? I'm just curious as to what you "think" or your "ideas" of what its for?
I don't think it has anything to do with bacteria, perking or a DVC development. I think it is much more straightforward than that. I remember seeing old aerial shots from Cuba taken in September 1962 with very similar water tanks in place. Only one month later the Soviets were installing missiles with nuclear warheads. So, my guess is that River Country is being developed into an Iranian nuclear facility.
I've sent an email to one of the resort managers at the Fort asking if he can shed any light on what's going on back there. I'm not sure that even if he knows, that he'll be able to share it with me. You've peaked my curiosity.
DH looked at pictures. Says it looks like they are growing phytoplankton and zooplankton to provide food for the shrimps & corals & anemones at The Living Seas and aquaculture area at The Land.

Alternately it could be a research project for mosquito control - testing various insecticidal substances work best on mosquito larvae.

Or they could be growing the mosquito larvae to feed to the fish. It takes about a week for mosquito larvae to grow into mosquitoes.

Or it could be a combination of all of the above. :confused3

He is a former Water Quality Manager and a current Environmental Manager for another theme park. He also has a chemistry degree and pest control training.

Just my 2 cents. :rolleyes1

Also as far as the deadly bacteria: based on looking at the water clarity and conditions on many, many trips to the Fort, DH says that WDW lakes are much cleaner than typical lakes especially since it is a man made lake and controlled & maintained by WDW, the likelihood that anyone would get exposed to that deadly bacteria is remote.
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