It's a New TCD Trip Report- June 2010 at the Fort!

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TDC is that your Golf Cart in the background?
DH looked at pictures. Says it looks like they are growing phytoplankton and zooplankton to provide food for the shrimps & corals & anemones at The Living Seas and aquaculture area at The Land.

Alternately it could be a research project for mosquito control - testing various insecticidal substances work best on mosquito larvae.

Or they could be growing the mosquito larvae to feed to the fish. It takes about a week for mosquito larvae to grow into mosquitoes.

Or it could be a combination of all of the above. :confused3

Or it could be an experiment to breed mosquitoes to see just how many the guests will tolerate before they start to complain! :rotfl2:

If TCD saw them pumping water into the tanks vs. trickling water - I seriously doubt the "breeding mosquito larvae" theory. Mosquitoes need stagnant water to breed. I think it's something much more nefarious.

Everyone knows Gatordad will go to great lengths for Poland Spring Water (which is not sold in the area). I think they are trying to concoct water to mimic Poland Spring. They have the Mousekeepers trained to search and secure empty Poland Spring bottles. When they get just the right taste, they will sell the bottled water to Gatordad for $4.50 a bottle! :idea:
Awesome as always!!

Thanks. Compliments are always appreciated.

Awesome report TCD! Thanks for always coming through with good information and updates.

I'm guessing that since these blue tanks are tied to the lake, they are there to monitor bacteria growth in the lake?? Just a guess...

You might be right. I would guess it is for some type of testing. But, the only thing is that as far as I can see, all of the tanks are the same, and in the same location, and receiving the same water from the same source. If the idea is to be testing for something in the water, I don't know why there would be so many tanks set up the same exact way, as opposed to tanks located at different parts of the lake, and pumping water from multiple areas.

You have stumbled on to a hydroponics garden started by some creative cast members to grow "herbs." Watch your back, TCD.

Hippies! :hippie:

Why didn't I think of that?

I am not buying this. I don't think hippies would exert this much effort.

I'm enjoying this so much. THANK YOU! :cheer2:

You are welcome!

Should you be interested, I will take you on a personal tour of the Fort in exchange for a Pioneer Hall kazoo.

Think about it.

I'll ask one of my old college buddies, he's sure to know !!!
:rolleyes1 :hippie:


I told you.


I say good riddance.

Ah, Gatordad!

Thanks for popping in.

So, now that you sold the 5th wheel, you must be staying at the GF.

This is all starting to make sense to me now.

Well I had to go to sleep so I could get up and save lives today, They kinda want ya on your toes at work:thumbsup2 and they have been running my but off today. I am caught up now and will do my best to keep it that way:lmao: I am thouroughly enjoying your TR and take my job as a DISmember seriuosly so I will not let you down again:cheer2:

OK, saving lives is a good excuse.

But I'm going to be keeping an eye on you.

Now...I don't even pretend to know anything about surveying or drainage studies, but, is it possible the blue tanks are part of a perk test to see how quickly water drains from the land? :confused3

As usual, TCD, an OUTSTANDING report!!! We were at the Fort Memorial Day weekend, but never went into the MK. So I am glad you gave an update about the changes in the boat landings. I don't like it one little bit!!! Or the stripping of the big horn!! FtWGuy? We're counting on you to have a chat with Bobby!!

Soil test is a good theory. But again, this is in such a small, limited area that I don't think so.

Yeah, I think it sucks. The Floridian/Polynesian people can always get on the monorail if it's storming out or if it's too hot. They have this alternate transportation available to use but not us poor folk at the campground. We have the longest route on the boat and they put us on the one that has the least protection. Let's hope this is only temporary or it will really suck in the winter time. Can you imagine standing out waiting for the boat at 10pm when it's raining and 40 degrees and then you have to get on the open air boat and get drenched and frozen before you get to the campground.

Wow. That doesn't sound like fun at all. I have to think this is temporary. Time will tell.

Do you think that they are testing the water for to study that bacteria stuff (sorry, I forget what its called) for river country or do you think its for a dvc property? I'm just curious as to what you "think" or your "ideas" of what its for?

You are talking about the amoebas. Since they still occasionally have folks swimming in the lake (for triathlons a few times a year), maybe this is some type of water quality monitoring system. But, as I said above, it wouldn't make sense to concentrate all the samples in one place.

I don't think it has anything to do with bacteria, perking or a DVC development. I think it is much more straightforward than that. I remember seeing old aerial shots from Cuba taken in September 1962 with very similar water tanks in place. Only one month later the Soviets were installing missiles with nuclear warheads. So, my guess is that River Country is being developed into an Iranian nuclear facility.

This is as viable a theory as any.

I've sent an email to one of the resort managers at the Fort asking if he can shed any light on what's going on back there. I'm not sure that even if he knows, that he'll be able to share it with me. You've peaked my curiosity.

Oh great.

Just what we need.

A manager looking into things.

DH looked at pictures. Says it looks like they are growing phytoplankton and zooplankton to provide food for the shrimps & corals & anemones at The Living Seas and aquaculture area at The Land.

Alternately it could be a research project for mosquito control - testing various insecticidal substances work best on mosquito larvae.

Or they could be growing the mosquito larvae to feed to the fish. It takes about a week for mosquito larvae to grow into mosquitoes.

Or it could be a combination of all of the above. :confused3

He is a former Water Quality Manager and a current Environmental Manager for another theme park. He also has a chemistry degree and pest control training.

Just my 2 cents. :rolleyes1

Also as far as the deadly bacteria: based on looking at the water clarity and conditions on many, many trips to the Fort, DH says that WDW lakes are much cleaner than typical lakes especially since it is a man made lake and controlled & maintained by WDW, the likelihood that anyone would get exposed to that deadly bacteria is remote.

The mosquito testing may be a valid theory, but there didn't look like there were any pesticides or other things around.

This is so great! Keep it coming!

Yes, ma'am. More will be coming right up.


TDC is that your Golf Cart in the background?

No, that cart belongs to Hilda's friend (Gloria?). I was just borrowing it.

Or it could be an experiment to breed mosquitoes to see just how many the guests will tolerate before they start to complain! :rotfl2:

If TCD saw them pumping water into the tanks vs. trickling water - I seriously doubt the "breeding mosquito larvae" theory. Mosquitoes need stagnant water to breed. I think it's something much more nefarious.

Everyone knows Gatordad will go to great lengths for Poland Spring Water (which is not sold in the area). I think they are trying to concoct water to mimic Poland Spring. They have the Mousekeepers trained to search and secure empty Poland Spring bottles. When they get just the right taste, they will sell the bottled water to Gatordad for $4.50 a bottle! :idea:

Pumping may have been a poor choice of words. The water was coming out in a small jet from the white PVC pipes at the top of each tank. I'm not sure how long it was going to run. This could have just been for a brief while to keep the tanks full.

Well, I don't know about you, but I've had enough of the blue tanks.

Let's move on, shall we?

As always a great trip report, getting me all warmed up for our trip 7/1-7/8 can't wait for it. Anyone else going to be there that time I hope to have my sign made got everything to do it just got to get it done.
Just catching up with another great TCD report. You are the master of photo journalism on the Disboards to be sure. My question is in regards to your not wanting to stay in 1900. Just wondering why you don't like 1800 1900?

As for the blue "tanks" my first thought was that it is some mosquito related experiment. I think they may let the water stagnate and allow mosquito eggs to be laid there. The spraying in of more water is to make sure nothing dries up in case there is a dry spell. Maybe they add "dunks" or other mosquito-cides of different types in each tank to determine which is more effective while being safe to pets, humans, wild life, etc. Is there any evidence of fresh footprints around the tanks that might indicate CM activity on a regular basis?
I said I've had enough of the blue tanks for a while, so here's another photo of the white tanks. They are just off to the side of the blue tanks, and do not appear to be hooked up to receive water from the lake:


Here are a couple photos looking in to the old swimming area. The big slides and rocks are in the far background of these photos. The white spots you see are Egrets. And lots of them. They apparently roost here at night:



This is a pole standing near the shore of the old beach area. The old swimming area is just past all of the weeds you see:


This is the old Indian Springs area. For some reason, when we used to visit River Country, we never came to this area. I guess my DD's were just interested in the slides, and this was more of a splash area for young children. There are decorative carvings on the rock:


This is the floating dock that used to be out in the swimming area. It is sitting near the blue tanks:




This is a shot looking toward Bay Lake. You can see the fallen wooden wall, the blocks that were used to stabilize it, and the pump for the blue tanks:


Here's another shot of the pump:


The thing that perplexes me about this being a possible scientific experiment is how crudely things seem to have been put together here. Clearly, a bit of effort went in to assembling this all, but at the same time, the whole thing comes off as just being slapped together. I don't get it.

Another shot of the tanks, in case you forgot what they looked like:


There is still a sidewalk under all of the debris:


This is the Indian Springs area:


Notice how the licensed electricians strung the extension cord across the water here through the ingenious use of tables:


Definitely the work of professionals.

More Indian Springs:



This is a roadway that was cleared out to allow vehicles to come in and out of this area. I presume this is how the workers had access to the nature trail boardwalk and gazebo to remove them late last year:


This is a step down from the Indian Springs area. The beautiful River Country beach area was right down these steps, where all the weeds and the new construction access road are now:



This is a stand next to the Indian Springs area. It has some swim flippers on top of the counter, and you can also see these inside the cabinets. I don't recall people ever using flippers at River Country. I wonder what these are from?:




This is some type of old building. This is just over the green fence, near the gate that you can see through:



There are some big mirrors hanging up on the walls inside and outside of this building. This probably was used to sell merchandise. There is nothing inside of the building, except for trash:


That's all for this post.

Next up, a few more River Country pics, and then we will be moving on to something else- including a mystery solved!

Great report, you are the only one on here that can get 6 pages and almost 3200 views in 3 days, keep it up :cool1: heavy on the hippies:hippie:
Can you imagine standing out waiting for the boat at 10pm when it's raining and 40 degrees and then you have to get on the open air boat and get drenched and frozen before you get to the campground.

Been there, done that.
Way back when there used to be a launch that ran from FW to Poly. One beautiful Sunday morning we get dragged to the Poly for church services. It was raining, windy, and cold. A nice chop on the lake to give a little extra spray in your face. What a joyous trip. A couple of those trips and you would be ready to fish for crab in Alaska.
Anyone up for a few more River Country photos?

If so, you are in luck.

If not, skip this post.

Here is another building located just on the other side of the green fence. Based on the windows and the counters, I am assuming this was a food service location. Maybe a place for ice cream and drinks? I don't remember it:


There is also a window and counter here on the side:


This is an old Mylar WDW balloon. Maybe someone lost this at the MK and it floated all the way here?:


This is the inside of the building we just looked at- note there is an old monitor of some type, and evidence that there was plumbing installed here at one point:


This is another shot of the interior of the same building, notice that there is a bunch of equipment outside the opened back door:


Here is a shot of the equipment located behind the building. Some of this looks like it must have been pumps and filters for the Indian Springs area, which is adjacent to this location:


This is a shot of the merchandise building that we looked at earlier. Notice the details of the posts and rope, and the winch:


This is the walkway leading from the area of the two buildings we looked at to the Indian Springs area:


This is the overgrown area that you see when you look over the green fence:


I presume that this is the spring from which Indian Springs derives its name:


(it looks like it used to be something like the spring located in the Wilderness Lodge lobby)

This is the waterway that flows from the spring into the Indian Springs area. As these photos show, no water has flowed here for a long time:




This is a rock bordering the Indian Springs area. Notice the detail of the prehistoric-like drawings on the rock:


Notice these small rock piles with the metal post sticking up. Something used to be here. I have a theory about this. I will share that after I get this group of photos posted:



On second thought, I miss the blue tanks, so here are two more blue tank photos:



This photo shows the main pool with the Downstream Plunge slides in the far background, along with a towel return box:


This is an old walkway that led from the beach to the swimming area. I think this may have been the line that you stood in to pick up a tube for the Whitewater Rapids slide:


Here is a picture that's worth a thousand words. Here we see the new Bay Lake Tower looking over the abandoned decay of the once great River Country:


Also notice all the egrets perched in the trees in the above photo.

Here is another shot of the electric cord on the tables:


Here are some more shots of the decorated rocks in the Indian Springs area:



And, one last River Country photo:


And that's it for the River Country photos from this trip.

But, I do have a few details that I wish to point out and discuss before we move on to our next batch of photos.

I'll do that in my next post.

It is clear now why Disney has not done anything to develope RC. It apparently has been declared a National Historic Landmark due to the Indian petroglyphs located there.
It is clear now why Disney has not done anything to develope RC. It apparently has been declared a National Historic Landmark due to the Indian petroglyphs located there.

It's funny that you mention the petroglyphs (good name), as that was one thing that I wanted to take a closer look at.

Here a few close-ups from the River Country photos, which I am providing because I wanted to make a few more comments.

First, here is a closer look at the blue tanks with the water flowing in from the white PVC pipes (look at the front right tank):


Next, here are a couple of zooms on different parts of the same photo. I think all these egrets in the trees are cool:



Now, let's take a closer look at the petroglyphs . . .


Notice how the natives drew about the activities that they engaged in back in those times- like sitting in inner tubes, or sliding, or walking across large round discs that look like slices of a log.

And, here, we see a native drawing of some more activities, along with a familiar looking large rodent:


How cool is that?

The Disney Imagineers used to really know how to do things right.

I just love the attention to detail.

I also mentioned that I wanted to come back to these two photos:



Not to long ago, on another thread, was discussion about the old days of River Country, and I posted a link to this great video on YouTube:

All American Water Party Video

This is a screen cap from that video:


I commented then, and I repeat it here, that I do not recall ever seeing these squirting animal skulls at River Country.

But, looking at the small rock piles in the Indian Springs area, I am certain that this is where these squirting skulls were located.

I am going to count that as a mystery solved.

Please take a moment and look at that River Country video. It is amazing to compare what River Country looked like just ten years ago to the shambles that we see today.

TCD, as usual, your River Country shots are amazing.

So, using some new secret technology which involves the use of a broom stick, string, duct tape, chewing gum and paper clips, along with some other proprietary items, I was able to snap these photos.

Just where, exactly, do you purchase your duct tape?? These shots make it appear as though you were actually standing within the old River Country property. Fantastic use of technology my friend!
Well TCD I watched the video. All I can say is Disney was nuts to let it go to ruins. They should have kept it open and offered a length of stay pass for all guest on the campsite for $50.00 I miss RC.
TCD, as usual, your River Country shots are amazing.

Just where, exactly, do you purchase your duct tape?? These shots make it appear as though you were actually standing within the old River Country property. Fantastic use of technology my friend!

See I thought he just had a really good broom stick. But maybe it is the duct tape.
TCD, as usual, your River Country shots are amazing.

Just where, exactly, do you purchase your duct tape?? These shots make it appear as though you were actually standing within the old River Country property. Fantastic use of technology my friend!

Yeah, I know. It does look like I was standing there. But that is not possible. This is area is off limits to guests, and you know how good Disney security is. There is no way to get in there. And, as DisCamper has repeatedly shared with us, if you do try to go in there, you will be immediately caught.

I forgot to mention the use of my DD's remote control Mater and remote control Skunk. Those helped too.

I have to report that I have become completely addicted to and obsessed with the camping boards. I check at least five times a day to look for updates from TCD and/or the Groucho girls. I can't get enough of this.

And I haven't even been to FW. Yet.

Well, thats not entirely true. We pulled up to the gate in 2008 because I was curious.

And upon watching that video I was sure that I must have been to RC as a child. So I called my mom and she confirmed that, yes, we went there in the 70s. I was probably 8 or so, and I only remembered after seeing the video.

I really need to camp at the fort. It is the only way. :goodvibes

Oh, and I know that we are supposed to move on from the blue tanks. But I know what they are. Alien pods. Disney is working in cooperation with Alien intelligence. It is so obvious. I suspected it before, but the swim flippers confirmed it. Don't you people watch Scooby-Doo?
It does look like I was standing there. But that is not possible. This is area is off limits to guests, and you know how good Disney security is. There is no way to get in there.

Didn't go in? Duct tape, ya, we're buying that.
What's that on the blue tanks?

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