Captain EO has died...

Why do you feel you have to make fun?

Many posters on this thread are sad because of the loss of a great musician.

Would you like it if we all made fun you because you were saddened by the loss of someone you admired such as Michael Jordan?

There is no denying that Michael Jackson made an impact on music and many people worldwide!

If you don't believe me, watch CNN for the lineup of celebrities that are paying tribute.

it's just a joke. relax.
I wasn't critical of him or his music, it didn't argue about his past.
this could easily turn into almost political debate about him and his fans but i'm not going there.
just a joke to make someone smile because I'm sure I'm not the only
person when they see MJ, they first think of Michael Jordon.
As a counseling professional, I think he was a very sick man in need of serious help but with no hope of getting it because he was surrounded by enablers and dysfunctional people.

As a music fan, I loved Thriller and his moonwalking, and Billy Jean will always be one of my favorite music videos.

;) You said it all, IMO.
Ok, Just my 2 cents, but I am really amazed at how many people are calling him names and acting like he was found guilty in a court of law.

As a pp before stated, one of the families that he "paid off" came forward after and amitted they lied, that there was no child molestation.

And lets not forget all the help he gave Ryan Whites family, oh thats right we wont remember his talent, his creativity or the good things he has done during his life. :confused3

I just pray for Ed, Farah and Michael, that they all find peace now.
Ok, Just my 2 cents, but I am really amazed at how many people are calling him names and acting like he was found guilty in a court of law.

As a pp before stated, one of the families that he "paid off" came forward after and amitted they lied, that there was no child molestation.

And lets not forget all the help he gave Ryan Whites family, oh thats right we wont remember his talent, his creativity or the good things he has done during his life. :confused3

I just pray for Ed, Farah and Michael, that they all find peace now.


(I was disgusted at the RIP thread on the camping board, very offensive and juevenille, same posters have made comments over on this thread)
I am not saying that becuase the parents agreed it was ok I am talking about that he was found not gulity by a court of law...

So, if Charlie Manson had been acquitted on a technicality, even though he really did it, we shouldn't judge him? Because O.J. Simpson was acquitted, even though there's plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise, we should trust him (and the evidence that we never heard about until well after the trail is amazing)?

When you pay millions of dollars to avoid a case going to court or to end a case before a ruling is made, that is NOT the same as court saying that you are not guilty. In the ONE case that Michael Jackson was acquitted the jurors later said that they thought he WAS guilty, and the only reason they acquitted him was because they did not like the mother of the alleged victim. Doesn't that count for something?

If it were the weird guy that sleeps with children across the street that just died you'd be saying, "Thank God he's no longer a threat to children", but because it's a guy who "contributed" to the world of music we should ignore all the bad stuff? Let's only remember John Wayne Gacy for his contributions to the world of art. To honor a person's accomplishments without regard to the negative aspects of his life is disingenuous. I'm not taking anything away from his accomplishments, but I'm not going to wear blinders.
So, if Charlie Manson had been acquitted on a technicality, even though he really did it, we shouldn't judge him? Because O.J. Simpson was acquitted, even though there's plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise, we should trust him (and the evidence that we never heard about until well after the trail is amazing)?

When you pay millions of dollars to avoid a case going to court or to end a case before a ruling is made, that is NOT the same as court saying that you are not guilty. In the ONE case that Michael Jackson was acquitted the jurors later said that they thought he WAS guilty, and the only reason they acquitted him was because they did not like the mother of the alleged victim. Doesn't that count for something?

If it were the weird guy that sleeps with children across the street that just died you'd be saying, "Thank God he's no longer a threat to children", but because it's a guy who "contributed" to the world of music we should ignore all the bad stuff? Let's only remember John Wayne Gacy for his contributions to the world of art. To honor a person's accomplishments without regard to the negative aspects of his life is disingenuous. I'm not taking anything away from his accomplishments, but I'm not going to wear blinders.

No need to wear blinders, but just because YOU (and many others I know) believe he was guilty of the allegations does not mean he actually was. Like you, others are entitled to their opinions as well.
Can I prove that he was a pedo!?!?!? What else do you call sleeping with little boys after getting them drunk!?!?!?!? It's sure not a sleepover, that's for sure!

And GrillMouster, soooo true!

It's called freedom of speech people, we can voice our own opinions, just in case you didn't know. And it can't be called slander, if said person has passed away. I respect him for his music, but not his other ventures.
This country deifies entertainers - it's a shame really that people who make REAL contributions to society and to our lives are not even known, yet people who are attractive and/or can sing & dance or play sports are idolized. MJ admitted to enough strange activities with young boys to warrant the pedophile comment. He is in a special place now - I hope it's very special.
:thumbsup2 I agree. Why is it we accept bad behavior from celebrities but don't hold up those truly deserving. Does anyone know the name of the man who found the breast cancer gene or the man who improved treatment for women with the most aggressive breast cancers thereby improving their survival odds? Or many others who have improved our lives. Just being blessed with a gift for music or athletics does not make you a good person. What you do with your gifts to contribute to the world and help/enrich others lives should be what's important. JMO And there are celebrities that choose to do more with their lives so I'm not knocking all celebrities. :)
As a counseling professional, I think he was a very sick man in need of serious help but with no hope of getting it because he was surrounded by enablers and dysfunctional people.

As a music fan, I loved Thriller and his moonwalking, and Billy Jean will always be one of my favorite music videos.
And that may be the saddest of all that noone around him got him help. Unfortunatley a lot of people who need mental health treatment never get it. :sad2: May the children he has "interacted" with get the help they'll need despite their parent's obvious lack of good judgement.
Michael Jackson’s body is not to be cremated or buried. It's to be recycled into grocery bags. That way he can continue to be white, plastic and dangerous for kids to play with.

I wonder what will happen to his children (not to say they are really his anyway) but didnt their mother "sell" them to MJ? Didnt she give up all rights for money??? Wonder what is to become of them.
Not a huge fan of what / who MJ has become but I love the 80's guy and yeah Im one of the dorks that did the thriller dance at our school dances.
RIP MJ and Farrah...poor Farrah she really got pushed to the back burner with MJ dying the same day
I remember reading that she ended up winning some sort of rights back to the kids..and I don't think they are biologically his. I have friends that are biracial and I know there can be wide range of skin tones, but neither one of those kids resemble MJ in the least. Not saying he didn't love them. I'm sure he did. You're right you look at video/pics of MJ when he was young, and recent stuff, and it doesn't even seem like the same person.

I agree that poor Farrah did get overshadowed somewhat..what a sad story that is.
what difference does it make if he was the bio father or not? they are legally his who cares if he lied about being their father or if they are (which i'm not sure they are either) but it doesn't make any difference in any legal way or not.

as for the mom's - just because they gave up parental rights years ago doesn't mean they can't get them back now.

this came from a lawyer in LA on one of the shows i saw today.

when it comes to children the laws are different. if you sell a car or house you can't come back years later and say it's mine but with children you can give up all rights and come back years later and be granted visitation or more depending on circumstances.
Michael Jackson’s body is not to be cremated or buried. It's to be recycled into grocery bags. That way he can continue to be white, plastic and dangerous for kids to play with.

I dont wanna be rude and i know everyone has the right to voice their mind but i have to say that is so just downright wrong! :confused3:eek::headache::guilty::sad2::sad1:
what difference does it make if he was the bio father or not? they are legally his who cares if he lied about being their father or if they are (which i'm not sure they are either) but it doesn't make any difference in any legal way or not.

as for the mom's - just because they gave up parental rights years ago doesn't mean they can't get them back now.

this came from a lawyer in LA on one of the shows i saw today.

when it comes to children the laws are different. if you sell a car or house you can't come back years later and say it's mine but with children you can give up all rights and come back years later and be granted visitation or more depending on circumstances.
Doesn't make a huge difference but it just adds another layer of oddity to his life-I know it doesn't affect anything legally. It just seems like he had a real issue with acknowledging his African American heritage..I mean, the guy had himself bleached to where he was whiter than many white people.:confused3 Add to that all of his kids are white and things get a little odd. I'm sure he was a good father.

But even those who respect him for his talent(and I do) have to admit he had some big issues..unfortunately, he lacked people in his life who had the stones to give him a figurative slap upside the head and say "what are you thinking" . He was kind of screwed from childhood really.
he lacked people in his life who had the stones to give him a figurative slap upside the head and say "what are you thinking" . He was kind of screwed from childhood really.

It's hard to disagree with that - he squandered his talent after he went off the deep end........ but in the end we're all responsible for our own behavior
It's hard to disagree with that - he squandered his talent after he went off the deep end........ but in the end we're all responsible for our own behavior
Yeah, I agree. So many of these celebrities lack any sense of personal responsibility. Why should they have it..far too many people keep cutting them breaks and the media loves nothing more that documenting all the drama.:rolleyes:
We are getting married in September on the Disney Magic and then spending a week in WDW. I have been thinking all w/e as we make final arrangements for everything that nothing could make it a better two weeks than if Disney had something Captain EO going when we are down there. I remember driving my parents crazy when i was a kid because i would see it come out and get right back in line over and over. It is a sad week. :sad1:
While Michael Jackson left an indelible mark on the music/video/entertainment industry, there are other aspects of his life that do not fit with the wholesome nature WDW strives for. As such, do not expect any tribute to him at WDW or DL. Captain EO was pretty cool. But, a lot of people didn't like it when it was out. And when MJ faced his first charges of inappropriate behavior with children, Captain EO was gone faster than MJ could moonwalk across a stage.

For as much as his music united people, other aspects of his life were very divisive. As such, he will forever leave a legacy that will have many questions and few answers.

Enjoy your trip and Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.


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