Riddle me this!

Have a GREAT day everyone.

Thanks for getting my week started! :)

I am...


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UGH! Sloppy out there today! The dogs didn't even want to go out! I hate to think about how deep the mud will be out at the building site. :eek:

Be sure to post the prom pics on tomorrow's riddle, Carol!
Thanks Marla. I just cleaned up. Too bad I can't do the house that quickly. I have too many exchange PM's.

On that note, due to a request, I am going to stop taking names for the Riddler/Angel exchange on this Friday and get the names out Saturday. I will post a current list of who I have on RMC later today. Pass the word.
I shared this with Bernie Friday and he wanted me to share this with you today;)

(as it kinda went with Friday's riddle)

heard a joke this morning

kids at school were told to write a story about morals - kids came back and asked one boy to read his - it came from his dad

aunt jane in the air force - her plane was shot down - all she had was parachette - bottle of whisky gun and knife - she drank the whisky on the way down so the bottle woudln't break - she landed in group of the enemy - she shot them until her gun ran out of bullets - then she used her knife until it broke and then killed the last one with her bare hands

the teacher said - what a terrible story - and what is the moral of that story

boy said - dad said don't mess with aunt jane when she has been drinking
M-I-C- See you real soon!
K-E-Y-Why? Because I like you! Off to greet my busy day. I hope I don't drown!:eek:
Good morning all:wave: Back from a weekend of partying with the kids :) Had a great time, we are going back down Friday night to load them up and he graduates on Saturday :) I have not had time to think about the riddle yet..I will give it some thought..Hope everyone had a nice weekend :)
Continued best wishes for Val's mom. So sad to hear.

And Marsha, congratulations to Kara, great!!!!!!

'Mornin to all, have a great week. :wave:
I'll do it from WORK!!!!! l LIKE THEY CARE!

Oh boy, I have the "They laid me off, should I even go in" thoughts. But I will, I have too many things to tidy up by Wednesday.

I hope I didn't miss any updates for Valerie, I an still thinking the good thoughts.

Please see my new clip art, too. It was a good week last week.
Good morning all! No pm yet since I'm missing to of the answers even though I know the final answer!:confused:

Busy weekend but a good one. It was nice to be able to celebrate all those birthdays, anniversary and Mothers' Day things together! Yesterday morning we got up and installed a new handrail on the outside stairs for Len's Dad. There wasn't one on one side of the new stairs since they go up next to a wall. His Dad really needs a second one to help him up the stairs since his hip replacement. It took us most of Saturday afternoon and a visit to 3 different stores, before someone could help us figure out how to do it so that it would be strong enough. Those little brackets that normally hold a banister just wouldn't have done it. We had to hurry home after finishing that job because DD and I had a Guide hike yesterday afternoon. It was an absolutely perfect day for it!

Happy Birthday to Olena!

Mickey, I'll continue to keep your mom and all of your family in my thoughts and prayers. {{{{HUGS}}}} for you my friend!

Carol, I'm looking forward to seeing the prom pics.

Good luck with your week E! and I'll keep my fingers crossed for both weddings this weekend (not to mention that I'm hoping for nice weather here too since DD and I have Guide camp this weekend!)
No, I am not running yet Bernie...I am to about a 15 minute mile walking, and to qualify you must do a 15 minute mile...I can do that now...I figure it would be a goal...it isn;t one of those highly competitive things, and I would do it with the intention of just finishing, besides it would be an excuse to squeeze in abohter trip ;)

I have gotten a few hints, and am getting there on the riddle...Just got here to work :)
Good Morning All! :) I think I know the answer, Bernie, but haven't got all the clues, yet.

So sorry to hear about your Mom's set-back, Valerie. I will keep her and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Happy Birthday, Len and Happy Anniversary to your parents! :)

Happy Birthday to Olena, too! :)

Looking forward to the Prom pictures, Carol. Dan's is in June.

Sounds like a busy week for you E. Hope all goes well.

What a great goal, Glo! Best of luck! I have thought about doing that too ~ since my sister is a marathon runner I was kinda hoping some her talent might have rubbed off on me. ;) I think it would be fun to run through WDW and a great excuse for a trip!

We are supposed to get showers today, too. The doves nesting in my neighbour's evestrough seem to have weathered the rain last week okay. I think the eggs should be hatching any day now. According to info I read on the Internet it takes approx. 14 days if the eggs are viable. I should be just about able to see them from my kitchen window, when they poke their heads up.

Have a great Monday everyone! :)
LK! (Be sure to share these! :)

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Beth! :wave:
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Good Morning, everyone.

I still need one clue. Tell me this, is Live pronounced with the long or short vowel sound? (Like jive or like give?)

Since I have the final answer I know what letter is last, but I still can't get that clue.

No hints, just the proper pronounciation please....

I'm glad we're typing 'cuz all of ya'll sound funny anyway :p
Well - I know you don't mean me, Alan - I don't have an accent...;)

Live as in Jive. :) err, umm.....unless you say Jive like sieve. Darned accents. :)

Hi Julie! Thanks for the progress reports on those doves! :)

Glo - I think you've got just the right attitude about it. :)

Hey, Kathy! :) Wasn't that just a great weekend, weather-wise! Glad you had such a good one! :)

Hey Marsha! I got that Cancun info over the weekend! I hope to read it soon....Sharon took it right away and has been poring over it ever since!!! LOL! THANK YOU! Congrats on the WISH update too! :)

Hey Patrick! Glad to hear the weekend went so well! :) Enjoy the coming weekend too! Has he plans for what's next??

Hiya, Dan! :)

Marla - I love that joke! :) :p :p

Sis - thanks for putting together the exchange! :)

Great clue, Lorraine - looks like it helped a certain Laura.....;)


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