Worst advice you got

The only advice I've ever really been given, that I thought sounded good and followed, was from a Cast Member at Epcot. He was so excited that we were going to watch Illuminations, and told us that there was something amazing after it finished (this was not July 4th, this was February or something, when it was cold and not a holiday). Told us to watch, then wait.

We watched. We waited. We wandered along the water, still waiting. Waiting. Waiting, wandering along the water, heading towards the exit of WS in case he was wrong, waited... Froze.


I still don't know what he thought we should wait for. We don't particularly like Illuminations (I think we've seen it three times...oh no, family has seen it twice, I've seen it three times), it doesn't do much for us. But whatever this extra thing was was going ot make it all worth while.

Still wonder if he was pranking us.
Worst advice I got was:
  • FP+ would increase my trip spontaneity,
  • After I had used my 3 FP+ there would be additional FP+ headliners available at the kiosks
  • FP+ had not increased the SB waits on rides like HM or POTC.
  • WiFi in the parks made switching my FP+ times around easy.

But those are opinions and theories and facts (or possible facts), not bits of advice, I think.

2. "Rent a car and drive to the parks every day, it is much more convenient." Not sure how taking a bus (or if staying at a park resort, taking a short walk) is less convenient than driving in, parking miles away and still taking a bus, boat or tram to actually get to the park.

And, see, we disagree. :) We have spectacularly bad luck with the buses; it's always a rotten wait. If it seemed convenient in the morning, it's a torment in the evening (looking at you, MK). So we drive. Love driving. We're on the move and sitting with people we know and like. Walk to the tram area, get on a tram, walk in. So simple. We've still never ridden a tram at MK due to spectacular LUCK in parking, and again like being on the move. For some reason, the walk from the buses to bagcheck at MK maddens me. People say "you're dropped off right outside the gates!" Um, NO. NO you're not. There's a walk, and it's kinda uphill and you pass the boat and the monorail exits that you would have been on if you'd driven like you wanted to.

Our other worst advice: "you can sleep at home, your touring plan should be commando from open to close".


I *don't* sleep that well at home. That's why I need a vacation! :)

Once again, we've gone for the last 10 trips without a "plan" and had the best trips of our lives.

10 trips. No plan? You had a plan after that 1st trip. You definitely had a plan after the 9th. :) Your brain KNOWS the place and knows what to do. You have a plan. You just don't have to write it down, and you know it so well you can change the unspoken plans on the fly. Experience is a good thing!

There is nothing convenient about sitting on a bus for an hour waiting for it to load, not getting your luggage until 7 hours after check-in

This is so true. But it doesn't happen to everyone. We've had good DME luck so far, and the one time I remember being able to use the bag service that worked well, too. (I can't remember if we've gotten an early enough flight on a family trip, but it worked well on my buddy trip last Nov)

getting picked up 3 hours before your flight home so that you can sit on the bus some more to wait for it to load at various resorts.

They pick you up 3 hours early *in order to* be able to stop at the other resorts.

That said, we leave 2.5 or more hours early. We want to be walking into MCO at the 2 hour mark, and we have to get from the resort to the gas station, back on the road and to the rental car dropoff where we KNOW there's going to be a wait. The timing for DME going home isn't that different, if you're a cautious flyer who doesn't like running for a flight, than with a car.

I heard they are in the process of building a monorail from the Orlando airport to Disney World.

To be honest, it LOOKS like they are. DH sure thought so last January as we passed what seems to be a monorail being built along, hmm, maybe 417? I know they aren't, but it LOOKS like they are. So I get that one.

We're currently planning a 14 night trip with no Universal in the schedule because WDW is more than enough!

Someday when you decide to go to Universal, I hope you're gentle with yourself for having missed it all these years.

I won't make that mistake again and am on the hunt for good quality, reusable ponchos for our trip next month.

I was going to suggest the ponchos from ricksteves.com for the adults, but he doesn't have them anymore! Nor are they on amazon. Boo. They are poly; a light nylon, don't make you bake. We use those for the adults and used Disney ones for DS, then found a bright yellow one that fit him but now he's too cool to wear the bright yellow.

Never did use the shoe organizer, and on a subsequent trip had bought toiletry bags with hooks that we hang instead that allow us to avoid unpacking that as well.

What's the difference, do you think, between toiletry bags that you hang vs a shoe organizer that you hang?

You have to watch Captain EO! It is awesome!

I felt like I had been rickrolled. o_O

I hate it, too, but my son LOVES it. He's a dancer and likes MJ and loved that film.

When you think about it, though, why is it you MUST have your wee ones in a car seat in a car, but they're "free to move about the cabin" in a bus...? Is the risk of injury that much lower?

It's a different risk. Buses are built differently, and tend to "win" in accidents, so you're not dealing with the same forces.

Tracy Morgan says that the worst advice that he ever got was that he didn't need to wear a seatbelt while on a bus. :duck:

Ah, but he wasn't in a bus. He was in a "limo van", which is different. Not saying it wouldln't have been the same result in a bus, since very little "wins" vs a semi, but still. I bet there were seatbelts in the limo van (I've been in a normal limo and in a stretch limo Hummer and there were seatbelts and I USED them though no one else but my family did) that they chose to not use.

Luckily, our youngest has graduated to a booster and we bought backpack/booster combo thing that I think may be one of the best inventions ever for our last trip.

BubbleBum booster is the best invention ever. 1 lb. Awesome.

You can check carseats for free

But you shouldn't check them until you're at the gate, because going through the bowels of the airport can ruin them. Can put accident-like forces on them. (so could gate checking, if they drop it to the ground at some point, but the chances are less) Just like with an accident, you can't see most carseat damage. So if you're gate-checking them, you're hauling them all the way through the airport both ways, which is a hassle.

I always brought car seats on the plane, because if I buckled my kids into their car seat on the plane (once the were too old for lap fare) then they were comfortable staying in their seat like in the car. No car seat and they felt they should be free to get up and move around. Do they not allow this anymore?

Of course they do. But the person who first talked about it has 4 and 5 year olds, and most people don't put kids those ages into carseats on planes.

I stopped at some point in DS's 2s. He was a decent traveler and promised to stay in his seat with his seatbelt and he did.

Maybe I'll just bring a couple of compact umbrellas in case we get caught out and buy the Disney ponchos if we decide we need them.

I nearly got taken out a few times by oblivious umbrella users. And ALL umbrella users are oblivious to what's going on outside their peripheral vision; if I used one, I would be oblivious. Even if you're not poking people in the face, you're dripping on those near you and shorter than you! No umbrellas at themeparks!
(it is disturbingly easy to write a huge novel now with the "new" boards...the quote feature and easy ability to partial-quote is fabulous! sorry!)

I quickly figured out that not having someone with me to find a table while I got my food was enormously stressful for me.

At busy times they won't let people split up for food and table.

On Disney Cruise (sorry, wrong board): Travel agent said to be aware that soda is not included in the price.

Well I just found that that's not entirely wrong. Soda at the self-serve machines is free. But if you order a soda from a bar you will be charged.

Dole Whips -- I just wasn't impressed.

I mainly agree, but I'll give the caveat that they've changed the recipe at least 3 times since 2007, and it does taste different now. In 2007 it tasted like melted, pineapple-flavored plastic must taste like, to me. Now it's OK. I'll use my calories elsewhere, but it's not melted plastic like it was before to my palate.

"If you see something you like, buy it! You can always return it at your resort's gift shop."

That piece of advice did not work out well for me. I couldn't decide on a few pieces of clothing at Mouse Gears, so I decided to get it all. I charged it the room, with the intent of possibly returning some of it to Fulton's General Store at POR. The CMs there were clueless on how to do a return, 3 of them tried and failed. After a half hour a manager finally took care of it rather easily. In the end, it wasn't a good way to finish our trip.

It's advice I read often, so maybe it was just a fluke, but either way, I'm going to be hesitant to try this again in the future.

Oh what a bummer. At least, I hope, those 3 CMs now know how to do it?

I'll opine, though, that your ultimately successful (though irritating) experience is less difficult to deal with than really really wanting something but not being able to get back to get that thing.

I like going with my son, but I get sad thinking about all of the fun trips I missed before him.

Sniffle. My mom lived in Miami after she remarried and I visited from college and I never once even *thought* to go to Orlando. I was IN Orlando visiting cousins and didn't think to go. My 20s were very serious and anti-corporate...sigh. Heck, my brother had his grad night at WDW! And I never thought to go.

Bad factual information is one thing (free shuttle to Universal? Hahaha. No) but opinions aren't advice and should be considered as such.


"You don't really get wet on Splash Mountain. Especially if you avoid the front seat."

It was a water massacre.


My cousin and her husband courted at WDW with their church group over the years of high school and a bit beyond. They were always there. They went on Splash countless times. They never ever got wet. Then they went with me and DH. DH is a big guy, and I wasn't small at that time either. They were in front and we were behind them. We nearly went under the water.

Heh heh.

EVERYONE who knew I was going before my trip to get "the card" so I could cut to the front of the line. Some I would tell that isn't how it worked...

You know the crazy thing, though? I have some friends who have been to WDW with a disabled family member, they've used the current DAS system, and they swear up and down that they got FOTL access. When one friend's mom stayed back at the room and they got in the "normal" lines her 5 year old nearly had a tantrum because they had to wait in line and why were they not going to the front?

So it does, still, work just that way, for some people.

1) Its always been our experience that the second parade is less crowded than the first. Note that this is different than saying that the second parade isn't crowded though.

Yep. Less crowded does not equal is not crowded.

You loose half your day park hopping when you could just be enjoying the parks.

Half a day! Wow! We decided to leave DHS, we left DHS, got on a bus and hopped elsewhere, we were there in half an hour, started the next part of the day. What am I doing differently?

I agree, but be prepared. My boys have been every year of their lives from infancy and they do not remember their first 7 or 8 trips to WDW at all. We have the pictures and show them, but they have no recollection. They did when they were younger, but those memories have faded for them. Thankfully, they have not faded for me or my wife. Those trips were amazing.

Good point. Some kids do hold onto memories better than others. Some kids have flashes of memories. (let's hope they are fun ones...mine aren't...sucks to grow up with bad stuff happening in the family)

But it's a continuum. DS knows his way around DL and part of it is because were there a whole lot when he was littler. He couldn't tell you how he knows what is over there, but he knows it.

Step out in the open and you will be amazed at how much better it works.

And get smashed to the ground by a brisk-walking person wondering why you're standing in the walkway staring at your phone. :)

Again, I cannot even count how many times I have ridden Splash Mtn. over the years. I have never had more then a few random drops of water hit me.

Your time is coming now that you said that out loud, LOL.

"Try the Beverly."

Aw, but that could have worked fine for you! I tasted it and knew immediately that DH and DS would love it. And they did. My suggestion to try it was spot on for them! Just because you have different taste buds than they do doesn't mean the advice was poor.

For me, it's more of the contrast between hot/humid outside, then going into a heavily air-conditioned restaurant, shop or ride. I admit to getting really chilled sometimes, and almost always carry a light sweater in my bag. Who wants to shiver for an hour??

When my mom first moved to Miami she slowly got sick. About a year into living there she went to see someone and was diagnosed with pneumonia. The doctor said it's VERY common for people new to the area to get it, because of the a/c home to humid outside to a/c car to outside to a/c store to outside etc etc. It's very hard on the body.

I think people are misunderstanding the "don't bring a toddler" advice. It's not about the toddler remembering.

Not in my experience. When people give that advice they SAY, out loud, specifically, that it's because the kids won't remember.

The people I know who didn't go when their kids were young because the kids wouldn't remember still haven't taken their kids.

Meanwhile, due to circumstances, I barely remember my honeymoon (which was when I was 33), but I know I was there, LOL. I feel that it's OK that I went on the trip, even though I didn't end up remembering much of it.

Worst advice ever given to me: Years ago my older sister told me it only takes 3 days to see everything Disney has to offer. :headache: And she was serious! I had been once so I knew it wasn't true. I asked her about different rides and she hadn't ridden half of them! And totally skipped AK because she didn't know it existed. Her ex in-laws moved to Florida and got jobs at Disney. So when they went to visit the in-laws got them in for free and toured with them. They skipped over half of each park. She keeps saying she wants to go back because she sees my pics on Facebook and knows there's more now.

Sometimes...going with residents isn't the great tourguide experience you think it will be. My cousins hadn't kept up with anything, kept going and hitting their faves (not even their kids' faves as the kids weren't asked about much) and didn't know of some things. They thought Figment was long gone. Sure, some stuff isn't there that used to be there, but Figment is there and there IS stuff in that building. We didn't go over there until Feb 2014 (first trip Dec 2010). Not sure what I thought about the maps saying there were things going on over there. They didn't know you could have multiple FPs; had never read the bottom of the FP telling you what time you could get another, just waited the whole time out. etc.

Honestly now, how does anyone that has never been know that they should even have to research anything.

I managed it, and DL was my first themepark trip as an adult. I'm going somewhere, I research it. I go to our local water/amusement park, I research it.

Universal is better.

That's not bad advice, that's an opinion. You might not share it. I do. It's worlds better. We adore it over there. Not giving you advice, though. Advice would be "try it; we love it, and our cousins who thought we were crazy ended up loving it, too, and if you do go, give yourself a few days and stay onsite at one of the deluxe resorts, to give yourself the best shot at having a terrific time!"

Worst advice I ever received made absolutely no sense. For touring the World Showcase, to beat the crowds I was told to immediately walk straight to the end and then tour the countries on my way back around. I would beat the crowds doing this. I knew better and shook head like I was taken in the advice. Knowing this person it would be too exhausting to correct her and I figured if this approach worked for her than I would continue to let her believe it was true.

But there's no "end" to the WS. It's part of a circle. Did it used to not be circular?

The go when they are older advice always gets me too.
Where am I going to take my kids, when they're young, if not to Disney?
We were looking at Yellowstone for sometime this summer, and there is so much less you can do with young kids. That one I get waiting for until the kids are older. The beach isn't a super fun option for me either, because I have a toddler who would probably dive into the ocean.
So do I just go stay at a hotel somewhere? I looked into Great Wolf Lodge, and while closer, it's at least as expensive as Disney, and you're pretty much limited to one building.

LOL, great point! Where ELSE to take them?

Yellowstone still isn't on the radar because I want DS to be more mature for it (especially since we might drive). And you are so right about the beach; that's not a vacation for the parents that's for sure! (then again, neither was Disneyland when DS was little. I was so frazzled after our second family trip inside of 3 months that DH and my 3 year old, nursing strong and VERY attached to me, DS insisted I take a weekend solo trip so I could *relax* and come home and be human again)

They're not saying don't go early on those days. They're saying don't choose to go to the park with EMH since it draws more guests.

The thread that was linked to in the posts about it stated exactly to not go early on EMH mornings if you don't have access to it. It's not go go (she ended up having a really good day, actually!), but not to go early, because you're not let onto the boat or monorail from TTC.

Take your kids while they're young, and take your parents while they're alive.

I had a really negative reaction to this wording. If you say it in the future, maybe consider saying "if you're lucky enough for it to be possible, take your parents while they're alive". Not everyone has living parents to take. Not everyone (me) was into Disney as an adult when that was possible.

I was told Crocs were the most comfortable shoes to wear to the parks. Stupid me for trying it.

Ah, but I would have been stupid to NOT try it. Crocs ARE the most comfy shoes for me at the parks. Athens flipflops, specifically. My feet were KILLING me; the feet in the $120, broken-in, athletic shoes. My bones were breaking. Got the Athens. I got blisters all on the tops of my feet. Those were remedied by pretty much plastering my feet and between the toes in adhesive bandages. But my BONES felt amazing like they were having a spa day. LOVE the Crocs.

Like the Beverly thing, it's not bad advice just b/c it didn't work for you.

-Not needing dining plan: Sure, if you're not a foodie; that's fine. But you do have to eat! A burger and fries is $10 and a small pizza is $8. Plus another snack.... you're saving money in the long run (most likely.)

Hopefully everyone has run the numbers for the way they eat. Hopefully you have too! I'm trying to figure out how a foodie would want a burger and fries and one of the QS desserts. Or the TS desserts for that matter. IMO, yuck.

It's sooo fun coming home and looking back at your pins 6 months - 1 year later and remembering when/where you got XXXX pin. Rekindles that Disney feeing at home!

Ah, there's the difference. Apart from my newly-purchased glass tiki mug I got by buying my Hippopota-maitai at Disneyland Hotel's Trader Sam's AND my Disneyland/Starbucks mug, I don't remember the moment I bought any of my other souvenirs. Scanning my brain...nope, not yet. Some remember that stuff, some don't. I remember what went into thethought process of buying pins on ebay for DH; the Mr Incredible was because he was working so much overtime to fund our very first proper family Disneyland trip. The Rizzo and Mickey pin was for Year of the Rat celebrations 'cuz that's his Asian astrology year. etc. But not the pins I bought myself. Or other stuff.
What's the difference, do you think, between toiletry bags that you hang vs a shoe organizer that you hang?

Well for one, you pack all your toiletry items in the toiletry bag. When you get the hotel, you unzip the bag and hang it up. No time spent unpacking it. With the shoe organizer, it's one extra thing to pack in your suitcase and then you need to spend the time transferring the items into the organizer and then back into your bag when you leave again. I can see where the shoe organizer would be good for people with 4-5 in the room, when space is limited, but for us as just two adults it's definitely not necessary.
Well for one, you pack all your toiletry items in the toiletry bag. When you get the hotel, you unzip the bag and hang it up. No time spent unpacking it. With the shoe organizer, it's one extra thing to pack in your suitcase and then you need to spend the time transferring the items into the organizer and then back into your bag when you leave again. I can see where the shoe organizer would be good for people with 4-5 in the room, when space is limited, but for us as just two adults it's definitely not necessary.

Lol I JUST discovered the joy of a hanging shoe organizer on a trip to Cali last week! Im convinced it will work just as awesomely on our upcoming trip to WDW.
That's not bad advice, that's an opinion. You might not share it. I do. It's worlds better. We adore it over there. Not giving you advice, though. Advice would be "try it; we love it, and our cousins who thought we were crazy ended up loving it, too, and if you do go, give yourself a few days and stay onsite at one of the deluxe resorts, to give yourself the best shot at having a terrific time!"

Actually, the "advice" I was given, and by several people by the way, was almost identical to what you wrote: to plan at least two days, to stay on site, and that I would enjoy Universal more because there was a more to do and thus "better" (I significantly edited the advice I was given, as I did the other bad advice I was given).

I've been to Universal twice and neither visit was even close to being "terrific". The themes and general ambiance don't do much for me (just not into their characters), the service and attitudes of the staff was poor (somewhere on the scale of K-Mart and McDonalds), and while I like thrill rides I enjoy the rides and shows at WDW far more. I spent about 6 hours on both visits and just couldn't see spending any more time there on either occasion. On our first visit DW nagged me on the way in that we should have stayed on-site, but on the way out said she was glad we were going back to our WDW resort and not staying at Universal.

Consequently, the advice given to me was bad from my perspective. On my last two visits to Orlando, it's not been difficult to resist the temptation to visit Universal (even though I could have walked to the park from our hotel) because other than WWHP there is little of interest for me. But, I'm glad you and other people prefer Universal as that means there are fewer people at WDW.
The only advice I've ever really been given, that I thought sounded good and followed, was from a Cast Member at Epcot. He was so excited that we were going to watch Illuminations, and told us that there was something amazing after it finished (this was not July 4th, this was February or something, when it was cold and not a holiday). Told us to watch, then wait.

We watched. We waited. We wandered along the water, still waiting. Waiting. Waiting, wandering along the water, heading towards the exit of WS in case he was wrong, waited... Froze.


I still don't know what he thought we should wait for. We don't particularly like Illuminations (I think we've seen it three times...oh no, family has seen it twice, I've seen it three times), it doesn't do much for us. But whatever this extra thing was was going ot make it all worth while.

Still wonder if he was pranking us.

He wasn't pranking you...

It just probably happened later than he expected. This is what you'd see:
Worst advice....go with the WHOLE family (parents, siblings/spouses etc). Never again will we do a group bigger than 4.
Amen, spent most of last year planning an extended family trip, it was horrible. I ordered the DVDs for each family group, I bought a Birnbaum's Guide for each family group, I asked for, I requested, I demanded, ideas for what people wanted to do, what kind of meals they wanted, price ranges people wanted to stay with in, it was like pulling teeth to just get "Oh we don't mind, you decide." Nobody could travel on the same dates. Talk about stress.
That trip ended up being cancelled literally 10 hrs before my flight to Orlando due to a medical emergency with another family member who wasn't going, but even then, people were hemming and hawing about what we should do, who would go and when they would go, Since I made all the decisions up til then I made that one too, Trips cancelled!

In 2 and 1/2 weeks we are going on the rescheduled trip, but only about half the group. I am STILL having the same trouble "Oh you decide" "We'll eat wherever you plan" "You decide what we see or ride" no real input at all. A little over 2 weeks out and I am STILL waiting on flight information from one group, who for some reason wants to come the day after half of us get there and leave 2 days before the rest of us leave, and no, there is no reason, they just think that will be enough for them (1 day in each park and no, they have never been before).

I probably won't volunteer to plan this sort of a trip again.
Worse advice I ever followed: If it rains, just keep going. Now, this is usually good advice, unless the rain continues on for 18 hours and sets records for the area. Then, just pack it in.

We tried our best to make the most of a very rainy day at Epcot in May 2014. It's an expensive trip, you want to make the most of it, right? Wet shoes, wet shirts under ponchos, wet shorts, wet socks, wet hats, wet backpack. We called it a day after lunch. It took days-DAYS-for my shoes to dry out to wear them home. Sometimes the rain does drive away the crowds, but you have to know yourself and your travel party to know the tipping point between "This is awesome, everyone else went home!" and "This is flippin' miserable and everyone else was smart enough to leave". WDW is big enough that we can go find something to do where it's dry :)

I admit I haven't read through all 352 posts here but I will add to the on-vs-off-property "advice". My MIL adamantly argues that there is no value built into staying on property and that a time share is the way to go. I stayed on property for the first time last year though (there was some added incentive as a CM was staying with us) and it completely rocked my world view. I'm not sure I'd ever stay at an outside hotel again.
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Worst advice....go with the WHOLE family (parents, siblings/spouses etc). Never again will we do a group bigger than 4.

We have no choice, our kids (except for the oldest) still live at home. But since we are a large family they are used to moving at the speed mom determines and there isn't a bunch of talk, we just move, pretty quickly too.

But yeah we went with my parents once and that was not really fun. We know for our family traveling with others isn't a good idea.
I admit I haven't read through all 352 posts here but I will add to the on-vs-off-property "advice". My MIL adamantly argues that there is no value built into staying on property and that a time share is the way to go. I stayed on property for the first time last year though (there was some added incentive as a CM was staying with us) and it completely rocked my world view. I'm not sure I'd ever stay at an outside hotel again.

We splurged for AKL after staying offsite for a few years. I hope we have the same reaction!
We splurged for AKL after staying offsite for a few years. I hope we have the same reaction!
AKL was my favorite resort that we stayed at on property. It's pretty magical. Make sure to try to take advantage of some of their free activities.
What is the worst advice you ever got or overheard someone get for a Disney trip? Mine has to be when a TA told me it would be a waste of money to buy books like The Unofficial Guide because they don't help.

Don't stay at a Deluxe than a Moderate during a split stay, you'll be disappointed/You'll never go back to a Value once you've stayed at a Mod/Deluxe. (I love all three levels and bounce around between them all the time)

Off site is better/On site is better. (Depends on the trip. I like onsite better at WDW and like Offsite at DLR but plan to try at least one onsite stay at DLR to see if I like it)

The Dining Plan will save you money. (It doesn't save me money nor does it match my style of eating, but I'm going to give it a second try with the new exchange rules to see if I like it better)
Some advice for my first ever trip from a co-worker: "Epcot is a half-day park. You'll need to spend at least two days at HS to see it all." :sad2:

This person still stands by their opinion to this day.
Worst advice? Buy the dollar store rain ponchos, they are fine for a trip to WDW. Fine in a light mist, maybe. Fine in real rain? Nope, not even close. My 6'2 brother in law put one on and instantly reminded all of us of a T-Rex with arms that looked wrong on his body. I ended up going into a store and buying Disney ponchos for a few of us.


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