DIS petition to save the Adventurers Club

I signed it. Anyone wishing to join us at the AC for it's final farewell, please click below and post that you are coming.
I do agree that visiting an attraction is the way to keep it open, but whenever we were at AC, the place was always packed...most times it was standing room only. We've visited during traditionally slow times of year and still found it to be full throughout the night, so it was obviously popular and well-liked. I think it unfortunately got lumped-in with the rest of the clubs at PI; therefore, had no chance of staying open when the decision to close the other clubs was made.
I am very upset to hear that AC may be closed.:mad: It was such a unique experience, one that has never been forgotten. I am fine w/the nightclubs closing, never went to them. But PLEASE keep AC!!!!
If not at that location, then relocate it somewhere else. That attraction will be sorely missed by many.
Anyone else like to join me in voicing our distraught over losing AC?????
the clubs are closing now so disney can save money. The economy is expected to tank this fall and this way disney can shut down their clubs and not have to spend any money on labor costs. also the new head of DTD came from DL and at DLR they have no nightclubs in their DTD area, just restaurants and shops. and they aren't disney restaurants so disney gets to lease out the land and not have to worry about the labor. the only way a comedy club or adventurer's type club to exist is if a third party wanted to come in and create that kind of atmosphere. if yo uwant to go to clubs there is always city walk.. they do a thriving business. oh and one more thing I heard awhile back that the virgin megastore was going to be closing so there will be a huge space disney needs to lease out.
I'm glad to see there are people who want AC to stay open too! I think it's good to have multiple threads on this to get the point accross! We can hope AC will be saved.
Yes, I am heart broken over this closure. It really, truly was my absolute favorite thing to do at Walt Disney World, and something I cannot replace anywhere for any price. I just simply cannot believe it is going away.
. . . I just simply cannot believe it is going away . . .

1) Not enough revenue and profit.
2) Night clubs need a lot more drinks being sold than Adventure's and Comedy.
3) The revenue-per-square-foot just isn't there.
4) If you look around, you don't see people drinking 3-5 or more drinks quickly.
5) They tend to nurse 1-2, and there is no major food offering to add revenue.
6) So, the alternative is wine & food through eateries.
Online petitions are never as good as real ones. I suggest if someone really wants to make an impression of the PTBs about this, that they get people to put pen to paper and send signed letters.

Better yet, though, would be for folks to remember that lack of patronage translates into a greater likelihood that attractions will be decommissioned. So while this offering is probably already history, look around WDW at the things you enjoy. Do you always visit them? Do you visit them multiple times per trip? If not, then don't get too attached to the attraction. What's worse -- is the place empty when you visit them? If so, then you really need to start selling the attraction and get other visitors to visit the attraction in large numbers, or prepare yourself for the possibility that the attraction will be closed.

The time to "save" an attraction is long before it is slated for being closed.

I made sure I went last night...made it for Hoopla!!! CMs know nothing. They all suggest what we are doing now, PLUS, Kirk suggested sending to the regular wdw.guest.communications@disneyworld.com as well.
the clubs are closing now so disney can save money. The economy is expected to tank this fall and this way disney can shut down their clubs and not have to spend any money on labor costs. also the new head of DTD came from DL and at DLR they have no nightclubs in their DTD area, just restaurants and shops. and they aren't disney restaurants so disney gets to lease out the land and not have to worry about the labor. the only way a comedy club or adventurer's type club to exist is if a third party wanted to come in and create that kind of atmosphere. if yo uwant to go to clubs there is always city walk.. they do a thriving business. oh and one more thing I heard awhile back that the virgin megastore was going to be closing so there will be a huge space disney needs to lease out.

I think this is true, to a point. I don't think, however, it is all that. My take on it is the crime element PI has attracted as of the last few years. There have been gang problems. I have been to PI four times in the last month, and I am blown away by the sheer numbers of OCS that are there when everyone empties out. I don't think Disney wants the liability.
I heard that some of the CM's were uncomfortable working at PI because of some of the visitors that were more local. Maybe there's a way to save AC even if PI goes away.
Yes please cross post it as many places as possible. I've posted it on at least 5-10 other Disney related boards lol. There is now a My Space page to save the AC and a Facebook one. Don't know who started those but be sure to friend them if you're a member. We are also one of the top 10 petitions on the whole site!
I've merged these two threads about saving the A/C


I heard that some of the CM's were uncomfortable working at PI because of some of the visitors that were more local. Maybe there's a way to save AC even if PI goes away.

I hope AC sticks around w/the new additions or is put somewhere else on property. I have heard rumors about it staying where it is & a AC restaurant adding to it. That would be neat, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up.
I think it's great that in about 1 1/2 days, there are now about 1,000 signatures.
More Stores!!! ARG!!!:eek: :eek: I do not go on vacation to SHOP!!! I enjoy walking around PI and going into the Adventureres Club to relax/have conversation/and enjoy a drink ( one or two)and be entertained! 8 Trax was a place to go into and listen to REALLY GOOD 70's music!! ( Fleetwood Mac, Peter Frampton, Eagles, David Bowie, even DISCO, ) I grew up in the 70's so it is a bit nostolgic for me when I walk into the club.We really enjoyed the improv and the audience participation @ the COMEDY CLUB. Both my boys came with us and enjoyed/laughed :rotfl: :rotfl: at all the shows. I do agree that PI became a hangout for locals and became outdated but Disney should KEEP/MOVE the COMEDY CLUB,ADVENTURES CLUB to other locations. Anyone feel the same??


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